deadlock : Java Glossary


When two threads interfere in such a way that neither can continue. Sometimes called deadly embrace or Mexican standoff. There is absolutely nothing you can do with a deadlocked thread. You cannot stop it, you cannot interrupt it, you cannot tell it to stop trying to get a lock and you also cannot tell it to let go of the locks that it owns. This is one of the criticism in Doug Lea’s book about the primitive monitor-based locking mechanisms. Once you try to get a lock, you will forever try and never give up. The concurrency handling mechanisms of Doug’s book are now in the java.util.concurrent package of JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.5.
book cover recommend book⇒Java Concurrency in Practiceto book home
by Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua J. Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, Doug Lea 978-0-321-34960-6 paperback
publisher Addison-Wesley 978-0-13-270225-6 eBook
published 2006-05-19 B004V9OA84 kindle
Bloch and Lea especially have very good reputations in concurrent programming. This is the dream team to write such a book.
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book cover recommend book⇒Concurrent Programming in Java(TM): Design Principles and Patterns, third editionto book home
by Douglas Lea 978-0-321-25617-1 paperback
publisher Addison-Wesley
published 2006-05-19
Threads and concurrency in Java, design considerations (safety, liveness and performance), Before/After Patterns, layering, adapters, immutability and synchronization, deadlock, resource ordering, the Java Memory Model and concurrency, using the java.concurrency package, confinement, refactoring for concurrency, mutexes, read-write locks, recovering from failure, notifications, semaphores, latches, exchanges, transactions, one-way messages, worker threads, polling and event-driven I/O, parallelism techniques (fork/join, computation trees and barriers), Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP).
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The classic way it happens is by thread 1 locking object a then trying to get a lock on object b, while thread 1 gets a lock on object b and tries to get a lock on object a. The simplest way to avoid this is to always acquire locks in canonical order.

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