Checkbox : Java Glossary


The AWT (Advanced Windowing Toolkit) radio button Component. Note the lower case b, in Checkbox. A box the user can mark as on or off. A radio button is a checkbox in a checkbox group where only one button may be pushed on at a time. Checkboxes can be used as choices or combos. When Checkboxes are used like radio buttons, you use a CheckboxGroup to define which Checkboxes are related. Here is how it looks:

checkbox screenshot

Each circle is one Checkbox.

The Swing equivalent is called a JCheckBox, a JRadioButton or a JToggleButton. Checkbox uses getState and setState, where JCheckBox uses isSelected and setSelected. JCheckBox uses a checkmark; JRadioButton uses a dot in a circle and JToggleButton uses ordinary-looking buttons.

Here is how to use a Checkbox:

Here is how you use a CheckboxGroup with Checkboxes:

Learning More

Oracle’s Javadoc on Checkbox class : available:
Oracle’s Javadoc on CheckboxGroup class : available:

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