Here is an email I received in response to one of my essays.
A couple of comments / questions regarding your Combating Christianity page (I am struggling with these issues).
I had not heard of your assertion that the fishes part of the loaves and fishes miracle was added later. Documentation?
Sorry I can’t remember the source. When I find it again I will document it. I probably found it chasing the Rationalist ring.
re Shroud of Turin — I followed that one before it was carbon-dated. I remember when it was proved to be a fake — I remember where I was, in 1985 or so, when I saw the newspaper announcing the carbon-dating results. Why does no one else (except you) remember this???? Just last week I saw a television show, I think on the Discovery Channel, which, as you said, neglected to point out that the thing was conclusively carbon-dated 15 years ago.
Scientists abhor lying and deception even for a good cause. Christians are not scientists. The problem is that Christians have used lies to convince new Christians that Christianity is a Good Thing™. These new Christians, now convinced that Christianity is a Good Thing™, feel justified in further lying and deception in its defence — a vicious circle.
What harm would it do, if a man told a good strong lie for the sake of the good and for the Christian church… a lie out of necessity, a useful lie, a helpful lie, such lies would not be against God, he would accept them.
~ Martin Luther (1483-11-10 1546-02-18 age:62)
Rape exists because rape works efficiently to spread rapist genes. You must stop rapists from reproducing by giving them vasectomies and by allowing victims to abort their fetuses.
Brilliant. But there is no evidence for a rape gene that I know of. Are you arguing its existence from Dawkins, etc.? (i.e. if there is an evolutionary advantage to raping, there must be a rape gene). I think nurture must surely play a big rôle too.
There are some genetic anomalies that are associated with rape and other criminal behaviour, roughly analogous to the XXX Marilyn Monroe gene, though we have not isolated a rape gene. Various animal species are prone to rape. That is my main reason for thinking it genetic. Sons of rapists are more likely to rape. Whether that is nature or nurture, it would be a good idea not to allow a rapist to father. It is also the ultimate Darwinian punishment. It will get the attention of the unconscious mind.
Wow. I’ve just spent half the day on your site and its off-links. Take care and I hope to talk to you!
If AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is God’s punishment for fornication, you’d think murderers would at least get herpes.
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