RESIZE Usage: RESIZE C:\MySub\MyFile.Ext 2147483647 The size of the resultant file is 2,147,483,647 bytes Uses for RESIZE: 1. Shortening files. 2. Lengthening files. 3. preallocating space to save the time you would otherwise spend allocating disk space as you write records. Windows has a 2 gig (2,147,483,647 byte) limit on file size though disks can be bigger than that. You are not allowed to embed commas or decimal points in the file size on the command line. Note that when you lengthen a file the new parts will contain garbage since RESIZE does not intialize that area. This was done on purpose for speed since your application program will generally re-initialize the new space anyway to some complex pattern. Note the file you RESIZE must exist already. RESIZE will not create it for you. The companion program EMPTY will create an empty file for you. Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products #101 - 2536 Wark Street Victoria, BC Canada V8T 4G8 tel:(250) 361-9093 This program may be freely copied and used for any purpose except military. MASM source included. Note: for more advanced surgery on files, (gene splicing as I call it) use SPLICE. GETTING THE LATEST VERSION ************************** Look for the latest version at my Web site: It would also be helpful if you mentioned the URL or source of where you got your copy. I want to make sure that site is kept kept up to date. -30-