QUEBEC.TXT last updated by Roedy Green on 2007-07-21 Purpose ******* If your keyboard looks like this, then QUEBEC will let you use it under MS DOS. Esc F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 ~~ ! @ # $ % ^ @ * ( ) --- + Bsp `" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = Tab Q W E R T Y U I O P {? }] q w e r t y u i o p [/ ][ CapsLock A S D F G H J K L : "^ Ent a s d f g h j k l ; '` Shf Z X C V B N M <' >. ? Shf | z x c v b n m ,, .. / \ Ctrl Alt Space Alt-Gr Ctrl The particular keyboard supported IS NOT Microsoft's French Canadian layout which uses a non standard 863 code page (with complete upper case accented letters). This keyboard is closer to the standard English keyboard using the American standard 437 codepage (with few uppercase accented letters). It has seven unusual keys: ~ ~ { ? } ] " ^ < ' < . ? c, ` " [ / ] [ ' ` , , . . / e' If your keyboard is different, you can still use QUEBEC, but you will have to touch type, since the legends on your keys will not match. You can use the QUEBEC source code to create variants for different keyboards. If doing that is beyond your current level of skill, we at Canadian Mind Products will do it for you for a $250 fee. Usage ***** Insert this command near the end of your autoexec.bat file: Quebec.Com It will translate your keyboard to French Canadian layout. NOTE: There is no way to get rid of Quebec except by rebooting. However, if you load it in a DESQview window, you can get rid of it by closing the window. There is no hot key to enable or disable it. To get the left-hand legends, you hit Alt-Gr (Right alt). To get accented keys, hit the accent key, then a letter. To get a plain accent, hit an accent key twice. Accent keys include: ' acute (aigu), ` grave, ^ hat (circonflexe), " diaeresis (trema), ~ tilde. Accentable letters are a c e i n o u y < > -- upper or lower case n A I N O U Y The right hand legends are French, the left English. The English legends are never considered as dead-key accents, only as punctuation. Limitations *********** QUEBEC does NOT work under WINDOWS, since Windows bypasses BIOS to use the keyboard. NOTE: There is no way to get rid of Quebec except by rebooting. However, if you load it in a DESQview window, you can get rid of it my closing the window. There is no hot key to enable or disable it. Note it only works on AT computers. XT computers require you to load KEYB first. Only use it ONCE! There is no hot key Ctrl-Alt-F2 Ctrl-Alt-F1 enable/disable. GETTING THE LATEST VERSION ************************** Look for the latest version at my Web site: -30-