°±²Û HGC! Û²±° HGC.TXT last updated by Roedy Green 1993/06/08 HGC! is a Hercules video mode utility replacement for HGC. For monochrome Hercules Graphics (GB102) and Graphics Plus (GB112) Video Cards or close clones only. If you use it on non Herc cards, it simply displays an error message. HGC!.COM is a simpler, smaller, non-TSR replacement for the Hercules HGC utility. For this reason HGC! does not support the PRINT and SAVE options that Hercules' HGC does. Try: HGC! -- displays help screen. HGC! DIAG -- to inhibit graphics. HGC! HALF -- to permit partial graphics. HGC! FULL -- to permit full graphics. HGC! ROMFONT -- turns off fancy 4K or 48K RAMFONT modes and also clears the screen. All command options may be abbreviated to a single letter and you may combine modes such as HGC! ROMFONT HALF. Note, HGC! FULL does not actually put you in graphics mode; it simply controls the lock that grants access to full graphics. This program was based on INIT.ASM and RAMFONTASM that comes with the Hercules Plus GB112 graphics card. GETTING THE LATEST VERSION ************************** Look for the latest version at my Web site: http://mindprod.com It would also be helpful if you mentioned the URL or source of where you got your copy. I want to make sure that site is kept kept up to date. Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products #101 - 2536 Wark Street Victoria, BC Canada V8T 4G8 tel:(250) 361-9093 mailto:roedyg@mindprod.com http://mindprod.com -30-