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West Van High 2005 41st Reunion photos


Here are the photos I took on 2005-08-07 at the West Van accelerated class of 1964 reunion held at Heather Hudson’s cabin on Bowen Island. If you have pictures, please pass them along by email or snail mail. I suggest viewing these with the Opera browser. You can then adjust the size to fit your screen.
the gang
Left to right, Heather Hudson, Bev Morris (née Simmons), Wendy Armstrong, Dick Humphries, Rod McCloy, Stephanie Green, Hugh Maddin, Martha Baldwin (née Kennedy), Roedy Green, Doug Baldwin. Missing is Bev Morris’s husband Roger.
Wendy Armstrong
bev heather
Roger Morris (Bev’s husband). Bev Morris (née Simmons), Heather Hudson.
bev heather
Roger Morris (Bev’s husband). Wendy Morris (née Simmons), Heather Hudson.
Unfortunately, most of the shots I took came out way too dark.

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