Flowers Prove God

J. Lee Grady
J. Lee Grady

Naïve Christians such as J. Lee Grady claim the existence of flowers proves the existence of god because god must have designed them for the enjoyment of humans. You might ask why there were flowers here on earth so long before people? Why do they grow in remote places where there are no people to appreciate them? This is a remarkably self-centered, conceited question.

Plants evolved flowers to attract pollinating birds and insects, not humans. Some of the patterns in flower petals are only visible in UV (ultraviolet), which humans cannot see but insects can. Flowers also evolved perfumes, some of which smell like rotting meat (hardly to appeal to humans) to attract insects. Flowers thus reflect the aesthetic sense of insects. We inherited some of that same sense of what is attractive.

bee balm under UV
bee balm under UV

Grady pontificated his theory of flowers, without even opening a book, without doing a google search, without running his idea past a botanist… Conceit and arrogance drove him at every turn.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)