YYMMDD 1.4 displays the date in form YY/MM/DD, without CrLf. You can thus PIPE it into files: YYMMDD.com >> MyFile.Txt optional separator can be put on the command line. e.g. YYMMDD - gives 00-12-31 YYMMDD none gives 001231 YYMMDD space gives 00 12 31 YYMMDD . gives 00.12.31 YYMMDD gives 00/12/31 to internally date stamp them. Copyrighted but may be distributed freely for non-military use only. MASM/OptASM source included. Often used in conjunction with HHMM to stamp the time. If you want a four digit year, use YYYYMMDD.com At this point we support no other formats, e.g. MM/DD/YY or DD/MM/YY. See also HHMM.com. Version 1.4 adds the optional command line separator.