Tabin 5.3 build: 9639 released: 2009-03-11 Collapses spaces to tabs in a text file.. Copyright: (c) 2017 Canadian Mind Products. C command line utility. Download from: ---- Notes: This program can only be used from the command prompt, (or via an command line style icon shortcut) e.g. under Windows command.exe or JPSoft tcmd.exe, formerly called the DOS box. Just clicking the programs in a directory listing will not do anything useful. Just typing the program names at the command prompt will not either. This program requires a manual install! See below. This program works with vanilla text files, (e.g. ASCII files or UTF-8 Unicode files). You will need a text editor to create and view them, not a word processor. e.g. notepad, Visual Slick Edit or other suitable text editor You must use a monospaced font (aka fixed pitch, aka programmer font) to view your files, or they won't look properly aligned. I put out an avalanche of free software into the world, and submit PAD files to hundreds of distribution sites, but I rarely hear back from anyone. What's happening? Does it all just work fine? It is so complicated nobody can figure out how to use it and they give up on it? It is it useful? Since everyone has the source, do people just fix the programs to their liking themselves? Did you have trouble installing? Do I presume you know too much? I would be happy to hear from you about your experiences, positive or negative and your requests for improvements. A one-line email to would be great. ===> Free <=== Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. May be used freely for any purpose but military. For more details on this restriction, see If you include any Canadian Mind Products code in your own applications, your app too must be labelled non-military use only. All C source and EXE files code are included. ---- Prerequisites: This program runs under Microsoft Windows from the command line (e.g. Win2K/XP/Vista) ---- Installing on a PC: Download source and executable files to run on your own machine as a standalone utility. To install, extract the zip download with WinZip (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ -- ticking off the use folder names option. ---- Installing on a MacIntosh: Use Safari to download source and executable files to run on your own machine as a standalone utility. The EXE files will not work. You will have to recompile, perhaps making minor changes to the source code. Safari will automatically unpack the zip into ~/Downloads (version 10.5) [or on the Desktop (version 10.4 and earlier)]. First install a recent Java JDK or JVM. See You may optionally move the download tree to a permanent home. ---- Rebuilding: The zip already contains the necessary exe, so unless you modify the program, there is no need to recompile the source or recompile it. basedir="E:/" in rebuild.xml to the drive where your files are and tweak rebuild.xml. Use ANT and rebuild.xml, not build.xml, to rebuild and link. ---- Use: TABIN Converts spaces to tabs in an ASCII text file Usage: TABIN.exe Myfile.txt Assumes tab stops are 8 columns apart. Don't use it on word processor files. C source included. Copyrighted by Canadian Mind Products. May be freely distributed and used for any purpose except military. It has been rewritten in C from Pascal for extra speed. Users of previous versions should take care to delete the old TABIN.COM. The new version is an EXE file. ---- Version History: 5.0 1996-10-25 embed Quathiaski address. convert to C from Pascal new algorithm without max line length 5.1 1998-11-08 embed Barker address 5.2 2008-02-03 convert from DOS to Windows to handle long file names use safe character library POSIX compliant display banner on all errors 5.3 2009-03-11 add ANT build script -30-