SCAT 2.7 fixes damaged diskettes and upgrades old ones. Purposes: 1. automatically reboots from C: if you leave a floppy in place. 2. upgrading diskettes to DOS 6.00 standards without losing data. 3. repairing damaged diskettes. 4. Humouring PC DOS and OS/2 by putting IBM in as the OEM. 5. telling you what kind of floppy you have, including Norton Proprietary format backup diskettes. 6. decontaminating FastBack Plus diskettes of the "unvirus". 7. Removing any virus that hides in the boot block of a floppy. Copyrighted but may be copied and used freely for any purpose but military. MASM/OPTAsm source included. SCAT is similar to LAUNDER /KEEP except that it handles only one floppy, without prompts to insert/remove. It uses only DOS calls where LAUNDER uses only BIOS calls. Version 2.7 embeds the new address.