Reboot.Com 3.5 reboots your computer simulating a Ctrl-Alt-Del. Reboot /C forces a Cold boot with RAM test. Reboot /W forces a Warm boot without RAM test. Plain Reboot defaults to a warm boot. It has special code to flush Norton NCACHE and PC Tools Cache quickly. It also handles any other cache, such as SuperPCKwik, and Smartdrv that correctly flush the cache on a disk reset. It is DESQview, QEMM stealth, OS/2 and Windows aware, mouse and cache friendly. If you don't see the CMP banner, you probably have 4DOS reboot or someone else's. OptAsm/MASM source included. It is the key to the Canadian Mind Products VARAUTO method of automatically switching between multiple config.sys and autoexec.bat files customized for each of your critical applications. Also used with the BOOTCHK and CMOSCHK utilities to automatically restore a damaged boot sector or CMOS and reboot. Works under DOS, and DOS emulation in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98, OS/2 but not NT. To force a Reboot under Windows, without a prompt, use the Windows utility: rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx (to close the session) rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 2 (to reboot) rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 3 (to power down) To power off under DOS try Copyrighted, but may be copied and used freely for any purpose but military. Version 3.5 embeds the new address and phone number. by: Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products #101 - 2536 Wark Street Victory, BC Canada V8T 4G8 tel:(250) 361-9093 -30-