QUEBEC 1.6 French Canadian keyboard driver and generic toolkit. The particular keyboard supported IS NOT Microsoft's French Canadian layout which uses a non standard code page. This keyboard is closer to the standard English keyboard using the American standard 437 codepage. It has seven unusual keys: ~ ~ { ? } ] " ^ < ' < . ? c, ` " [ / ] [ ' ` , , . . / e' To get the left-hand legends, you hit Alt-Gr (Right alt). To get accented keys, hit the accent key, then a letter. To get a plain accent, hit an accent key twice. By modifying QUEBEC's tables you can handle other keyboard layouts with keys of 1 to 4 legends each, and up to five different dead-key accents. MASM/OPTASM source included. Takes 1424 bytes; by contrast KEYB CF is 6208. Does not work with XTs or Compaq. Does not work under WINDOWS. Works under DOS, and DOS emulation in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98, OS/2 but not NT. Copyright: (c) 1991-2017 Canadian Mind Products free. May be freely distributed and used for any purpose but military. For more details on the restriction, see The only restriction is that this is for non-military use only. Version 1.5 just displays the new address and phone number. Version 1.6 2007-07-07 now free.