Install 1.4 is a generic tool for floppy disk installs. This allows the user to start the install in a variety of ways: A:INSTALL B:\INSTALL PATH A:\INSTALL.Com or selecting INSTALL.COM from a QDOS/XTREE/FD/MAGELLAN shell menu. To matter how the user kicks off the install, ensures the current drive and directory are set correctly. It sets the current drive and directory to match the drive and directory where INSTALL.COM itself lives. Then it spawns INSTALL2.BAT which lives in the same drive and directory as INSTALL.COM. Install2.Bat contains the commands to actually do the install. Install2.Bat can use to determine the current drive and directory. MASM source included. This program is copyrighted but may be used freely for any purpose except military. By Roedy Green of Canadian Mind Products. Version 1.4 displays the new address and phone number. WARNING! INSTALL only works with 8.3 filenames. Works under DOS, and DOS emulation in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98, OS/2 but not NT.