ESPAN 2.2 Spanish keyboard driver and generic driver toolkit. By modifying ESPAN's tables you can rearrange keys, invent dead accent keys, generate symbols not on the keyboard, or change the symbols you would normally get with Shift+key. For example, Agustafsson has already generated a Swedish/Finnish keyboard driver with it. MASM/OPTASM source included. Takes 1088 bytes; by contrast KEYB SP is 6208. Does not cheat. Uses only legitimate BIOS int 15 and 16 functions. Does not work with XTs or Compaq, but now works with WordPerfect Office. Copyrighted, but may be freely copied for non-military use only. Works under DOS, and DOS emulation in Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/98, OS/2 but not NT. By Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products. Version 2.2 just embeds the new address and phone number.