CPUSerNo 1.0 - display Pentium III CPU serial number. Earlier Pentium models don't have a serial numbert. Reading can be blocked by setting a bit the MSR to 1. This blocks reading the CPU serial number until next hard reset, (not just reboot). Example of use: C:\Sys\CPUSerNo.Com if errorlevel 1 goto NoSerNo Please report bugs and problems to: Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products #101 - 2536 Wark Street Victory, BC Canada V8T 4G8 tel:(250) 361-9093 http://mindprod.com May be freely distributed for non-military use only. MASM/source included. Master Distribution site http://mindprod.com/products.html#CPUSERNO There is a more extensive Java native JNI class that also discovered CPU ID and the RDTSC high resolution timer value at http://mindprod.com/products.html#PENTIUM