Converter 5.5 build: 9639 released: 2011-12-30 compiled with: Java 1.8.0_131 Jet jet12.0-pro-x86/1.8.0_131 Generates Java source to interconvert basic types. Copyright: (c) 1997-2017 Canadian Mind Products. signed Java Applet (that can also be run as an application). Download from: View HTML to run this program online at: ---- Notes: You must install the Java JRE to use this program. See This hybrid program is mainly designed to be used as an Applet in a browser but is can also be used from the command prompt, e.g. under Windows command.exe or JPSoft tcc.exe, formerly called the DOS box. Just clicking the programs in a directory listing will not do anything useful. Just typing the program names at the command prompt will not either. This program requires a manual install! See below. I put out an avalanche of free software into the world, and submit PAD files to hundreds of distribution sites, but I rarely hear back from anyone. What's happening? Does it all just work fine? It is so complicated nobody can figure out how to use it and they give up on it? It is it useful? Since everyone has the source, do people just fix the programs to their liking themselves? Did you have trouble installing? Do I presume you know too much? I would be happy to hear from you about your experiences, positive or negative and your requests for improvements. A one-line email to would be great. ===> Free <=== Full source included. You may even include the source code, modified or unmodified in free/commercial open source/proprietary programs that you write and distribute. May be used freely for any purpose but military. For more details on this restriction, see If you include any Canadian Mind Products code in your own applications, your app too must be labelled non-military use only. All Java jars and source code are included. If you need the class files or Javadoc, you will have to build them yourself. To streamline the zip downloads, class files and Javadoc have been removed. ---- Prerequisites: This program runs under any OS that supports Java, (e.g.W2K/XP/W2003/Vista/W2008/W7-32/W7-64/W8-32/W8-64/Linux/LinuxARM/LinuxX86 /LinuxX64/Ubuntu/Solaris/SolarisSPARC/SolarisSPARC64/SolarisX86/SolarisX64/OSX/AIX...) so long as you have <><> Java version 1.8 <><> or later installed (32-bit or 64-bit Java). See for details. ---- Installing on a PC: Download source and compiled jar files to run on your own machine as an application or Applet First install a recent Java JDK or JVM. See To install, extract the zip download with WinZip (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often J:\ -- ticking off the use folder names option. To run as an application, type: java.exe %JAVA_OPTIONS -ea -jar J:\com\mindprod\converter\converter.jar {put any parms here} adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is. ---- Installing on a MacIntosh: Use Safari to download source and compiled jar files to run on your own machine as an application or Applet. Safari will automatically unpack the zip into ~/Downloads (version 10.5) [or on the Desktop (version 10.4 and earlier)]. First install a recent Java JDK or JVM. See You may optionally move the download tree to a permanent home. I don't have a MacIntosh, just a PC, so I can't test my Java programs for Mac compatibility. In theory they should work without problems, but in practice that does not always happen. If you have problems please, let me know, preferably with screenshots and complete verbatim error messages. To run as an application, without parameters, just double click the jar file. To run as an application with parameters, in bash shell type: open cd ~/Desktop java.exe -ea -jar com/mindprod/converter/converter.jar {put any parms here} adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is. ---- Rebuilding: The zip already contains the necessary jar files, so unless you modify the program, there is no need to recompile the source or rebuild the jar. basedir="E:/" in rebuild.xml to the drive where your files are. your certificate name with environment SET cert=mindprodcert2017rsa your certificate password with environment SET jarsignerpassword=sesame Use ANT and rebuild.xml, not build.xml, to recompile and recreate the jar. ---- Use: Conversion teaching tool. Shows you how to convert any of the 19 basic Java types into any of the other a total of 361 possible conversions. Mutable Primitives Immutable Objects boolean Boolean signed byte signed Byte unsigned byte unsigned Byte short Short char Character int Integer long Long float Float double Double char[]* String * not implemented. It works either as an application or as an applet that needs to run in JDK 1.4+ capable browser. Source code and sample HTML included. May be freely distributed and used for any purpose except military. ---- Version History: 1.0 1997-12-17 initial release. 1.1 1998-01-03 clean up minor typos test routine to ensure all suggested code compiles. examples all initialise to make clean compiles. generates HTML table for those without Java. 1.2 1998-01-04 make into both application and applet 1.3 1998-01-13 split into two classes. don't show initialisation, except for test. 1.4 1998-02-14 descriptions now to, from order. show NumberFormatExceptions box a little wider. get rid of nugatory setSize, setBounds remove FontSaver. 1.5 1998-05-08 Activator html tidy with SlickEdit compile under Symantec Visual Cafe 2.5 1.6 1998-06-23 rename SymItem to TheListener. 1.7 1998-08-07 add +-'0' to char conversion options. 1.8 1998-11-11 new address and phone. 1.9 1998-11-29 generate better HTML, with &amp &quote etc. 2.0 1998-12-13 add "alternatively" comments. add radix conversions on byte, char, short 2.1 1998-12-13 increase size of Window 2.2 1998-12-14 switch over to using a jar file. check Java version slightly different colour scheme. use com.mindprod.converter package. 2.3 1998-12-25 misc comment and HTML tidying. 2.4 1999-01-29 Double.parseDouble and Float.parseFloat for JDK 1.2 2.5 1999-08-14 add *best* comment to align better with *or new phone number. 2.6 1999-08-23 DecimalFormat for float, Float, double and Double 2.7 1999-09-19 add Menu AboutBox 2.8 1999-10-05 rename jdk 2 back to jdk 1.2 2.9 1999-10-18 prefer new XXXX to XXXX.valueOf remove trim requirement on Double.valueOf(String); 3.0 1999-12-03 toHexString toBinaryString toOctalString 3.1 2001-04-26 faster boolean --> Boolean 3.2 2001-06-21 prefer valueOf to toString 3.3 2001-08-01 add comments about when sign extension occurs. 3.4 2001-12-01 improved boolean -> String : String.valueOf(t); 3.5 2002-04-01 add new way to convert String -> boolean 3.6 2002-04-05 lower case package name, following Sun conventions 3.7 2002-04-22 notes on locale-sensitivity 3.8 2004-05-07 add JDK 1.5 boxing-unboxing int<->Integer etc. short <-> Integer. add Short type. 3.9 2004-05-10 add IEEE conversions longBitsToDouble etc. 4.0 2004-05-30 add about box 4.1 2004-06-28 better labelling on generated HTML 4.2 2004-07-07 notes about format rounding. 4.3 2005-06-17 improved consistency of bat files. 4.4 2005-12-04 more instructions 4.5 2005-12-09 use of JDK 1.5+ Integer.valueOf(int) and Long.valueOf(long) 4.6 2005-12-15 use of Character.digit( char c, int radix ) 4.7 2005-12-16 use of + '0' to get to char. \n after each comment to make code easier to read 4.8 2006-03-04 reformat with IntelliJ, add Javadoc 4.9 2007-05-08 add PAD files and a new icon. 5.0 2008-03-03 correct spelling mistakes, display build and release date. Convert to JDK 1.5 5.1 2008-03-25 use enums, split off Type and Generate classes. add signed/unsigned Byte. 5.2 2008-03-26 better code for unsigned Bytes. 5.3 2009-03-30 optimise suggested conversion code based on suggestions from Intellij Idea Inspector. correct table entries for unsigned conversions that could not be handled purely with autoboxing. 5.4 2011-12-03 configurable Look and Feel 5.5 2011-12-30 tweaked some conversions involving Integer, Long and unsigned. -30-