CDD! 1.3 - an improved Change Directory command that sets the errorlevel. The CD command that comes with MS or PC DOS has four flaws: 1. It does not set the ERRORLEVEL for Invalid directories. 2. It fails when there is a trailing backslash on the name. 3. You cannot hide its error messages with >NUL: redirection. 4. It will not change the drive for you, just the directory. CDD! acts just like CD except that it fixes these four problems. CDD! is slower since it is must be loaded each time, whereas CD is internal to DOS. CDD! similar to 4DOS CDD. MASM/OPTAsm source included. May be freely distributed and used for any purpose except military. Warning CDD! only works with 8.3 filenames. Version 1.3 just embeds the new address and phone number.