Another highlight was when we did the centipede cosmic consciousness process where each of us took control of the group body and played with our many arms and legs.
Another highlight for me was when I asked the group to go into cosmic consciousness, then I asked Craig why he thought it was ok to beat himself up, but not any of the other people. He said, "Because he’s handy I guess."
There were so many times when I could see that aha moment when the lights went on inside and various participants suddenly realised that their suffering was not obligatory.
And of course, the hugs and the back scratches.
KC is on a visit to her daughter in, of all places, Sedona, Arizona. She’s having trouble staying on this planet, the energy she received from Quadra is just rolling over and over at Sedona. She was supposed to help set up her daughter’s new household after Carmen moved, but can hardly stay inside and is taking 3 hour walks and floating on air.
Carmen’s husband Ed believes that consciousness is a difficult road of studying the saints and their lives and learning and reading everything he can. I can just picture her sitting with him, beaming with cosmic bliss while he explains how challenging and difficult and long the path is..
All you need is some incredible Canadian scenery, a dozen wonderful people and a week to pry your heart wide open and there you are!
That jump in energy in the weeks after Quadra? Most of mine went right to the 2nd center — I watched every movie out there and every time an idea came, like, "Gee its 6:30, I’ll bet I could make it to the beach before the sun sets", I just did it. What a change. Before it was always easy to talk myself out of doing anything fun because there is always so much work to do!!!
KC said it best — there has been a softening around every stuck-place since Quadra and that softening has released energy to put into the rest of our lives.
Thank you so so so much for sharing it with us.
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