<!-- DTD to describe the grammar of a JNLP 6.0 file. syntax errors corrected. -->


<!DOCTYPE jnlp PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc//DTD JNLP Discriptor 6.0//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/JNLP-6.0.dtd">


The root element for the JNLP file.

<!ELEMENT jnlp (information+, security?, update?, resources*,
 (application-desc | applet-desc | component-desc | installer-desc))>

The spec attribute of the jnlp element specifies what versions of the JNLP
specification a particular JNLP file works with. The default value is "1.0+".


The version attribute of the jnlp element specifies the version of the
application being launched, as well as the version of the JNLP file itself.

<!ATTLIST jnlp version CDATA #IMPLIED>

The codebase attribute of the jnlp element specifies the codebase for the
application. This is also used as the base URL for all relative URLs in
href attributes.

<!ATTLIST jnlp codebase CDATA #IMPLIED>

The href attribute of the jnlp element contains the location of the JNLP
file as a URL.


The information element contains various descriptive information about the
application being launched.

<!ELEMENT information (title, vendor, homepage?, description*, icon*,
 offline-allowed?, shortcut?, association?, related-content*)>

The os attribute of the information element specifies for which operating
system this element should be considered.

<!ATTLIST information os CDATA #IMPLIED>

The arch attribute of the information element specifies for what architecure
this element should be considered.

<!ATTLIST information arch CDATA #IMPLIED>

The platform attribute of the information element specifies for what
platform this element should be considered.

<!ATTLIST information platform CDATA #IMPLIED>

The locale attribute of the information element specifies the locale for
which this information element should be used.

<!ATTLIST information locale CDATA #IMPLIED>

The title element contains the name of the application.

<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>

The vendor element contains the name of the vendor.

<!ELEMENT vendor (#PCDATA)>

The homepage element contains a href to the homepage for the application.

<!ELEMENT homepage EMPTY>

The href attribute of the homepage element specifies the URL for the homepage.

<!ATTLIST homepage href CDATA #REQUIRED>

The description element contains a description of the application.

<!ELEMENT description (#PCDATA)>

The kind attribute for the description element indicates the use of a
description element. The values are: i) one-line, for a one-line
description, ii) short, for a one paragraph description, and iii) tooltip,
for a tool-tip description. Longer descriptions should be put on a separate
web page and referred to using the homepage element.

<!ATTLIST description kind (one-line | short | tooltip) #IMPLIED>

The icon element describes an image for an application.


The href attribute of an icon contains a URL to a location on the web
containing an image file for an icon.


The version attribute of an icon contains a string describing the version of
the image that is requested.

<!ATTLIST icon version CDATA #IMPLIED>

The width attribute of the icon element describes the width of the icon
in pixels.


The height attribute of the icon element describes the height of the icon
in pixels.


The kind attribute of the icon element describes the use of the icon.


The depth attribute of the icon element describes the color depth of the image
in bits-per-pixel. Common values will be 8, 16, or 24.


The size attribute of an icon element indicates the size of an icon file
in bytes.


The offline-allowed element indicates if the application can be launched
offline. Default value (i.e., if the element is not specified) is online.

<!ELEMENT offline-allowed EMPTY>

The security element describes the security requirements of the application.

<!ELEMENT security (all-permissions?, j2ee-application-client-permissions?)>

The all-permissions element indicates that the application needs full access
the the local system and network.

<!ELEMENT all-permissions EMPTY>

The j2ee-application-client-permissions element indicates that the application
needs the set of permissions defined for a J2EE application client.

<!ELEMENT j2ee-application-client-permissions EMPTY>

The update element contains the applications preference for application update.


The check attribute of the update element indicates the applications
preference for when to check for updates.

<!ATTLIST update check (always | timeout | background) "timeout">

The policy attribute of the update element indicates the applications
preference for what to do when updates are available.

<!ATTLIST update policy (always | prompt-update | prompt-run) "always">

The resources element contains an ordered set of resources that
constitutes an application.

<!ELEMENT resources (java | j2se | jar | nativelib | extension |
 property | package)*>

The os attribute of the resources element specifies for which operating
system this element should be considered.

<!ATTLIST resources os CDATA #IMPLIED>

The arch attribute of the resources element specifies for what platform this
element should be considered.

<!ATTLIST resources arch CDATA #IMPLIED>

The locale attribute of the resources element specifies for which locales
this element should be considered.

<!ATTLIST resources locale CDATA #IMPLIED>

The java element describes a supported JRE version and an optional resources
element to be used by the particular JRE.

<!ELEMENT java (resources*)>

The version attribute of the java element describes the versions of the JRE
that this application is supported on.


The href attribute of the java element specifies the location where the JRE
should be downloaded from.


The initial-heap-size attribute of the java element specifies the initial
size of the object heap.

<!ATTLIST java initial-heap-size CDATA #IMPLIED>

The max-heap-size attribute of the java element specifies the preferred
maximum size of the object heap.

<!ATTLIST java max-heap-size CDATA #IMPLIED>

The java-vm-args attribute of the java element specifies a preferred set of
virtual machine arguments to use when launching java.

<!ATTLIST java java-vm-args CDATA #IMPLIED>

The j2se element describes a supported JRE version and an optional resources
element to be used by the particular JRE.

<!ELEMENT j2se (resources*)>

The version attribute of the j2se element describes the versions of the JRE
that this application is supported on.


The href attribute of the j2se element specifies the location where the JRE
should be downloaded from.


The initial-heap-size attribute of the j2se element specifies the initial
size of the object heap.

<!ATTLIST j2se initial-heap-size CDATA #IMPLIED>

The max-heap-size attribute of the j2se element specifies the preferred
maximum size of the object heap.

<!ATTLIST j2se max-heap-size CDATA #IMPLIED>

The java-vm-args attribute of the j2se element specifies a preferred set of
virtual machine arguments to use when launching java.

<!ATTLIST j2se java-vm-args CDATA #IMPLIED>

The jar element describes a jar file resource.


The href attribute of the jar element contains the location of a jar file
as a URL.


The version attribute of a jar element describes the version of a particular
JAR file that is requested.


The main attribute of a jar element indicates whether this element contains
the main class.

<!ATTLIST jar main (true|false) "false">

The download attribute of a jar element indicates if this element must be
downloaded before an application is launched (eager), or not (lazy).

<!ATTLIST jar download (eager | lazy) "eager">

The size attribute of a jar element indicates the size of a JAR file in bytes.


The part attribute of a jar element describes the name of the group it
belongs too.


The nativelib element describes a resource containing native files.

<!ELEMENT nativelib EMPTY>

The href attribute of a nativelib element contains the location of a
nativelib file as a URL.

<!ATTLIST nativelib href CDATA #REQUIRED>

The version attribute of a nativelib element describes the version of a
particular nativelib file that is requested.

<!ATTLIST nativelib version CDATA #IMPLIED>

The download attribute of a nativelib element indicates if this element
must be downloaded before an application is launched (eager), or not (lazy).

<!ATTLIST nativelib download (eager | lazy) "eager">

The size attribute of a nativelib element indicates the size of a nativelib
file in bytes.

<!ATTLIST nativelib size CDATA #IMPLIED>

The part attribute of a nativelib element describes the name of the part it
belongs to.

<!ATTLIST nativelib part CDATA #IMPLIED>

The extension element describes an extension that is required in order to
run the application.

<!ELEMENT extension (ext-download*)>

The version attribute of an extension element specifies the version of the
extension requested.

<!ATTLIST extension version CDATA #IMPLIED>

The name attribute of an extension element specifies the name of the extension.

<!ATTLIST extension name CDATA #IMPLIED>

The href attribute of an extension element specifies the location of the

<!ATTLIST extension href CDATA #REQUIRED>

The ext-download element defines how parts of the extension are downloaded.

<!ELEMENT ext-download EMPTY>

The ext-part attribute of an ext-download element describes the name of a
part in the extension.

<!ATTLIST ext-download ext-part CDATA #REQUIRED>

The download attribute of an ext-download element describes if the resource
may be lazily downloaded.

<!ATTLIST ext-download download (lazy|eager) "eager">

The part attribute of an ext-download element describes the name of the
part it belongs to in the current JNLP file.

<!ATTLIST ext-download part CDATA #IMPLIED>

The property element describes a name/value pair that is available to the
launched application as a system property.

<!ELEMENT property EMPTY>

The name attribute of the property element describes the name of a system

<!ATTLIST property name CDATA #REQUIRED>

The value element describes the value of a system property.

<!ATTLIST property value CDATA #REQUIRED>

The package element defines a relationship between a Java package or
class name and a part.

<!ELEMENT package EMPTY>

The name attribute of the package element describes the name of a package
or class.


The part attribute of the package element describes the part that contains
the specified package or class.


The recursive attribute of the package element indicates if all sub-packages
of this particular package is also included.

<!ATTLIST package recursive (true|false) "false">

The application-desc element describes how to launch a Java-based application.
It contains information about the main class and arguments.

<!ELEMENT application-desc (argument*)>

The main-class attribute of the application-desc element describes the
main class of an application.

<!ATTLIST application-desc main-class CDATA #IMPLIED>

The argument elements describe the ordered set of arguments to an application.
These arguments will be passed into the main method of the application's
main class.

<!ELEMENT argument (#PCDATA)>

The applet-desc element describes how to launch a Java Technology-based Applet. It contains information about, e.g., the main class, size, and parameters.

<!ELEMENT applet-desc (param*)>

The documentbase attribute of the applet-desc element describes the
documentbase for the applet as a URL.

<!ATTLIST applet-desc documentbase CDATA #IMPLIED>

The main-class attribute of the applet-desc element describes the name of the
main Applet class.


<!ATTLIST applet-desc main-class CDATA #REQUIRED>

The name attribute of the applet-desc element describes the name of the Applet.

<!ATTLIST applet-desc name CDATA #REQUIRED>

The width attribute of the applet-desc element describes the width of the
Applet in pixels.

<!ATTLIST applet-desc width CDATA #REQUIRED>

The height attribute of the applet-desc element describes the height of the
Applet in pixels.

<!ATTLIST applet-desc height CDATA #REQUIRED>

The param element describes a parameter to an Applet.


The name attribute of the param element describes the name of a parameter.


The value attribute of the param element describes the value of a parameter.



The component-desc element specifies a component extension.

<!ELEMENT component-desc EMPTY>

The installer-desc element specifies an installer extension.

<!ELEMENT installer-desc EMPTY>

The main-class attribute of the installer-desc element describes the
main class for the installer/uninstaller.

<!ATTLIST installer-desc main-class CDATA #IMPLIED>

The shortcut element describes an application's preferences for desktop

<!ELEMENT shortcut (desktop?, menu?)>

The online attribute of the shortcut element describes an application's
preferences launching shortcuts online or offline

<!ATTLIST shortcut online (true | false) "true">

The desktop element indicates that a shortcut on the desktop is desired.

<!ELEMENT desktop EMPTY>

The menu element indicates that a shortcut in a menu is desired.


The submenu attribute of the menu element indicates where in the menu a
shortcut is desired.

<!ATTLIST menu submenu CDATA #IMPLIED>

The association element describes an application's preferences for desktop

<!ELEMENT association (description?, icon?)>

The extensions attribute of the association element indicates a list of
extensions to associate.

<!ATTLIST association extensions CDATA #REQUIRED>

The mime-type attribute of the association element indicates a mime-types
to associate.

<!ATTLIST association mime-type CDATA #REQUIRED>

The related-content element described additional content that may be
integrated with the application.

<!ELEMENT related-content (title?, description?, icon?)>

The href attribute of the related-content element contains a URL to a
location on the web containing additional related content for the application.

<!ATTLIST related-content href CDATA #REQUIRED>