REM copernic command line parameters include:
REM /search [all, emails, files, music, pictures, videos, contacts, favorites, history] %QUERY%
REM /options
REM /showabout
REM /activate
REM /start_indexing
REM /stop_indexing
REM /close

REM Protect an app from Copernic indexing interference
"F:\Program Files (x86)\Copernic Desktop Search - Home\DesktopSearch.exe" /stop_indexing

REM do some critical work that indexing might interfere with
REM ...

"F:\Program Files (x86)\Copernic Desktop Search - Home\DesktopSearch.exe" /start_indexing

REM O&O Defrag requires you to shut down Copernic altogether, not just stop indexing, while it works.
"F:\Program Files (x86)\Copernic Desktop Search - Home\DesktopSearch.exe" /close

REM bring up the GUI so you can do searches
"F:\Program Files (x86)\Copernic Desktop Search - Home\DesktopSearch.exe" /activate

REM bring up the GUI so you can change the options
"F:\Program Files (x86)\Copernic Desktop Search - Home\DesktopSearch.exe" /options

REM bring up the GUI to display the current version
"F:\Program Files (x86)\Copernic Desktop Search - Home\DesktopSearch.exe" /showabout

REM I could not find a reindex command. You must do that from the GUI.