import java.applet.AudioClip;

public class MyApplet

   // sound clip to make a frog ribbet croaking sound
   private AudioClip frog;

     * Get the applet started.
   public void init()
      // You must initialise frog in init, not the usual static or instance initialiser,
      // is a sound file in the jar under the same package as the Applet
      // The file must be an au, wav, midi or aiff.
      // BEWARE getResource only works in Applets signed with a real certificate.
      URL u = MyApplet.class.getResource( "" );
      if ( u == null )
         throw new IllegalArgumentException ( " missing from the jar" );
      if ( DEBUGGING )
         // see where Java is getting your resource
         out.println( u );
      frog = getAudioClip( u );

   public void croak()
      // make the sound;