games : Java Glossary



People don’t usually think of Java when they think of video games. Tools include Java 3D and VolatileImage. As games get larger and more complex, Java’s ability to manage large complex applications makes it a more and more viable choice. JOAL (Java bindings for OpenAL) is one of the tools for writing games in Java.

Though I am not a religious person, I think it a reasonable thing to say that most video games are a work of the devil. Games like Grand Theft Auto and Doom teach people to kill, rape and steal reflexively without conscience. They are insidious training for mindless obedience to a military state. The US Army is writing video games to recruit youngsters and desensitise them to killing.

My mother was highly opposed to card games and board games. There were just too many important things to do to waste time with them. I feel the same way about computer games. The only games that were permissible were party games, played at Christmas and similar occasions to make the guests laugh.

The simulation games are a completely different kettle of fish. They teach people to think ahead about the consequences of their actions. The athletic Wii games too are in another category, great fun and get kids off their saggy butts.

Video games are an especially challenging form of computer programming. You must use your limited resources very efficiently to manage to create realistic and a rapidly and smoothly changing screen especially when the target hardware is something you hold in your hand. Video games have driven the evolution of high-performance video cards.


book cover recommend book⇒Beginning Java SE 6 Game Programmingto book home
by Jonathan S. Harbour 978-1-4354-5808-6 paperback
publisher Course Technology PTR 978-1-4354-5809-3 eBook
published 2011-01-18 978-1-4354-5809-3 WebBook
  B004NNV72U kindle
2D games only. For beginners.
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book cover recommend book⇒Pro Java 6 3D Game Development: Java 3D, JOGL, JInput and JOAL APIsto book home
by Andrew Davison 978-1-4302-1458-8 paperback
publisher Apress 978-1-59059-817-7 hardcover
published 2007-04-30 978-1-4302-0212-7 eBook
  B001CSM17O kindle
Davison wrote the earlier Killer Game Programming in Java . Emphasises the construction of 3D landscapes. It covers Java 3D, non-standard input devices for game playing, JOGL (OpenGL graphics API), JInput, JOAL, JMF and Odejava. It covers webcams, game pads and the P5 data glove.
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book cover recommend book⇒Killer Game Programming in Javato book home
by Andrew Davison 978-0-596-00730-0 paperback
publisher O’Reilly recommended 978-0-596-55290-9 eBook
published 2005-05-01 B0028N4WDS kindle
An O’Reilly book. Covers Java 3D and Java 2D, sprites, first-person shooter programming, sound, fractals and networked games.
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book cover recommend book⇒Developing Games in Javato book home
by David Brackeen, Bret Barker and Laurence Vanhelsuwé 978-1-59273-005-6 paperback
publisher New Riders Games
published 2003-08-31
Laurence Vanhelsuwé authored Mastering JavaBeans and other books on low-level programming going back to the DOS days. Key features covered in this book include Java 2 game programming techniques, including latest 2D graphics and sound technologies, 3D graphics and scene management, path-finding and artificial intelligence, collision detection, game scripting using BeanShell and multi-player game engine creation.
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