By Hook or By Crook

The seriousness of Donald Trump appointing a climate change denier Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and anti-climate science extremist Steve Bannon as his chief strategist is far bigger than anyone lets themselves imagine. Trump is a far bigger threat to the planet that Hitler ever was. As a result of this appointment, climate change efforts are collapsing all over the earth. Conservatives like Donna Ambrose, head of the Canadian Conservative party, argues Canada would be at an economic disadvantage if the USA abandons efforts at curbing climate change, so we must immediately follow on their suicidal path. Anything else would be stupid. Nothing else matters but the next quarter’s economy.

Further, Donald said I love war, and that includes nuclear war. He said What is the point of having nuclear weapons if you don’t use them? Many times he said he wants to use nuclear weapons against his rivals. He also said Let it be an arms race. He called for vastly increased spending on nukes. He said he wants them to proliferate. He is a modern day Dr. Strangelove. The man is stark raving mad. He wants to use nuclear weapons for intimidation and bargaining. This guy has the mentality of Attila the Hun, but with weapons Attila could only dream of.

Unless somebody assassinates him or he drops dead, I think our planet is done for. His unbelievably stupid supporters who did this to themselves believed using the wrong email server justified ending vertebrate life on planet earth. He has to be stopped by hook or by crook. Unfortunately, even with Donald himself out the way, VP (Vice President) Mike Pence, Scott Pruitt, Rick Perry and Steve Bannon are still a climate change deniers.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)