dymo : Java Glossary



This entry explores various approaches to simulating dDymo label with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

Without Width

Make two Dymo sticky labels:



Access on other side

Put the first on the cover for the side of the motherboard’s components. Put the second one on the cover for the side of the motherboard’s underside. This will help you figure out which panel goes on which side and which way is up. Later it will tell you which side to open to add some RAM (Random Access Memory).

With width:200px

Make two Dymo sticky labels:



Access on other side

Put the first on the cover for the side of the motherboard’s components. Put the second one on the cover for the side of the motherboard’s underside. This will help you figure out which panel goes on which side and which way is up. Later it will tell you which side to open to add some RAM.

With float:left clear:left

Make two Dymo sticky labels:



Access on other side

Put the first on the cover for the side of the motherboard’s components. Put the second one on the cover for the side of the motherboard’s underside. This will help you figure out which panel goes on which side and which way is up. Later it will tell you which side to open to add some RAM.

With display:inline-block

Make two Dymo sticky labels:



Access on other side

Put the first on the cover for the side of the motherboard’s components. Put the second one on the cover for the side of the motherboard’s underside. This will help you figure out which panel goes on which side and which way is up. Later it will tell you which side to open to add some RAM.

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