Here is an email I received in response to one of my essays.
That question has to be answered by science, not by merely speculating. It is easy to make a case either way for why the rubber doll should result in fewer or more children harmed. I think we both agree that protecting the children is paramount, and if it did turn out that the rubber doll resulted in fewer children harmed, we would have to swallow our natural disgust in order to protect the children. I strongly suspect this will be the case because of the way sex crimes dropped precipitously when Denmark liberalised pornography. A rubber doll would have no interest to someone who was not already a paedophile.
It is of utmost importance to protect the children. It is more important than punishing offenders. It is more important than attempting to prevent people from indulging in disgusting fantasies. I think many people have their priorities reversed, deranged by Christian self-righteousness.
It’s the same with drugs and alcohol you start off small but then you just need more and more and more. Pornography is an addiction just like alcohol but worse because those images are always in your head. Yeah I know that not everyone who has a beer is going to be a raging alcoholic but why take the chance? One thing always leads to another no matter how strong you think you are!
There is such an extreme stigma against paedophilia in our society I can scarcely believe someone would fall into it casually. These people are risking their lives for their perversion. This is not some whim. I think you are hopelessly naïve if you think you will quell such strong desires by hiding the rubber dolls. There is no way you can hide all the real children.
Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. If you had a desire that was totally socially unacceptable, that harmed others, would you not seek out every possible alternative expression? That is what we want them to do! That is the best we can hope for. They can’t simply will their desires away any more than you can will away your sexual desires.
And I’m sorry you hate Christians so much. I wish the Christians you have come in contact with were more Christ-like.
The essence of Christianity is judge not least ye be judged, yet for some reason, exposure to Chrisitianity makes people more judgemental and vindictive than they would have been otherwise. This is a paradox. Christianity preaches tolerance, but usually ends up making people less tolerant. The most tolerant people seem to be ones who have read the new Testament, were influenced by it, but don’t identify themselves with any particular church.
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