Here is an email I received in response to one of my essays.
If they turn on the radars we’re going to blow up their goddamn SAMs (Service to Air Missiles) (surface-to-air missiles). They know we own their country. We own their airspace… We dictate the way they live and talk. And that’s what’s great about America right now. It’s a good thing, especially when there’s a lot of oil out there we need.dear Mr green
~ General William R. Looney III U.S. Brigadier General, Washington Post, 1999-08-30; referring, in reality, to the mass-murder of hundreds of civilian Iraqi men, women and children during 10,000 sanction bombing sorties in the first eight months of 1999.
I’m a combat engineer in the US army currently deployed with the 101st in tikrit Iraq. My job as a combat engineer also known as 21b is to insure mobility and counter mobility agents an imposing force. this include land mines bridges etc(both placing them and removing them). I’ve read a couple of your articles and i have some information for you and an observation on your work.
I have no way of knowing if any of that is true, whether this email indeed came from a Mark Frazer, or even if there exists a person named Mark Frazer. You used a throwaway email address. You have provided no backup of any kind for your assertions. Further, as an admitted war criminal (aiding and abetting an aggressive war, a capital crime), you are hardly the most credible or sympathetic source. It would be completely irresponsible of me to modify my website based only on an email that makes claims of the author’s credentials that do not seem plausible, especially without backup.
You hide behind this bullshit jargon, to justify serial murder. You have absolutely no right to be in Iraq at all. You Americans attacked them unprovoked. They have every right to do anything they want to you to make you withdraw since you illegally invaded them. Morally you don’t even have right to self-defence inside Iraq.
That is how it used to be, before Bush. You are a bit behind the times. Your commander in chief tore up the Geneva conventions and Cheney called them quaint.
My figures were taken directly off the recruiting website. My figures are for newly enlisted people, not people like you have been in the game a long time or who had special skills to prostitute.
i have a wife and son. they both have free medical dental and eye care. the army is giving my wife money to got to college. my family is a one income home. i have cable and the Internet. i have more than enough money to pay all the bills, take my family out every week to go to the movie or out to eat at a good restaurant and i still put a thousand back every month into savings. we have a three bedroom two bath 149,000 sqrft house. my family wants for nothing. as a matter of fact the US army gives mandatory budgeting classes to its solders and has accounting and money management consultants for free on call to solders and numerous interest free loans for solders when they do get into trouble.
In other words, you confess to abetting murder for good money. That puts you on identical moral footing with a Mafia accountant.
Fallujah street bombed by Americans |
Use the laugh test. You Americans have spend over a trillion dollars killing people in Iraq. Obviously you did the majority of the mayhem. You sure as hell did not use all that money building schools. Just look at the aggregate bill for the explosives you guys dropped on the Iraqis. You didn’t use them to build a canal. Didn’t the US military let you perverts jerk off to the videos of how you leveled Fallujan with all those civilians trapped inside? Even people like me got to watch on the opening day of the war when you bastards dropped bombs on the residential sections of Baghdad, live on CNN (Cable News Network). I watched it in the company of Iraqi ex-patriates screaming and wailing as they watched their neighbours butchered. You are such an evil person and so deep in denial. You are no different from one of Hitler’s mindless twits who invaded Poland imagining they were doing something heroic.
Apparently you have not bothered to click any of the links. Most links to back individual facts go to reputable newspapers and to official government websites. Which links in particular do you think are disreputable and need more backup? There are not as many links as there used to be since newspapers and newsmagazines don’t keep their stories posted forever. In contrast, you have provided no links at all to back your assertions.
So i offer you this please feel free to ask me any question you have of the goings on of today’s us military and i will answer them to the best of my ability. i feel that knowledge is power thus it must be given freely and so ill answer any questions you have for free. if anything to give you a glimpse of what its really like in the military because your writings clearly indicate you have no such experience in my military environment. if you are worrying about my own credibility i myself am not pleased with the army lifestyle and an planing to get out to go to college (payed by the army by the way) an pursue a career in psychology.
Get serious! You spell and punctuate like a ten year old. You have a long way to go before you could consider college.
i will give you the most complete answers as possible to the best of my ability as for any reference for any of my statements above its all unclassified and you can find it on most d.o.d. website and i will hapily direct you if you have any trouble. i hope to hear from you soon
~ spc. FrazerYou are as big a bullshitter as any army recruiter. In the eyes of the law, you are just as guilty of murder as those who pull the trigger. You aid and abet an illegal aggressive war. I repeat, you are guilty of a capital war crime. May you be blown to bits so that your corpse fragments can only be recognised by DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) analysis. Does that sound rude? harsh? crazy? Why should I feel any more kindly toward you than other perverts who aid and abet the murder and torture of children? Just because you are paid to do it, it in no way exculpates you, any more than a Mafia hit man is guiltless of a contract murder, just because he accepted money to do it.
Obvious somebody exists sending me these emails, so I don’t deny your existence, but your husband gave me no way of verifying anything asserted in his email, including his identity. You don’t seem to understand how foolish it would be for me to take information in emails from throw-away addresses on faith, especially when they contradict legitimate sources, including government web sites. Such emails have no more authority than graffiti. If you want me to change anything on my website, you will need to provide backup. At least I give you an unedited podium on my website. Would you take direction from emails from throw-away accounts from people you have never heard of who tell you things that contradict what you believe to be true? Either you are extremely arrogant or extremely stupid.
As far as your debating tactics, please refer to your 37th pet peeve.
Ad hominem addicts, people who, in debating a point, spend 90% of their time insulting, attacking and humiliating their opponent. They have no points to defend their stance, so they try to win by intimidation.
I don’t think you understand what an ad-hominem argument is. It is not the same as a personal attack. I personally attacked and tongue-lashed your husband for the crimes he confessed to. I did not make ad-hominem logical fallacies. You are sick for marrying a man who earns his living aiding and abetting child torture and murder. That too is a personal attack, an upbraiding, not an ad-hominem fallacy. I do this in the hopes of waking you and your husband up to the evil you are committing, to make you at least reexamine what you are doing. I hope to create so much anger, frustration and shame that you stop. I don’t do it merely to win arguments. An ad-hominem argument would have the form Since you spell like a 10 year old, your figures on military personel income must be wrong. I did not do that.
You are a hypocrite sir.
As you wish, but that is not even a crime. Your husband has confessed to a capital offense. Even if I too were a murderer, that still does not excuse your husband, or you for that matter.
As a student in psychology it brings me great shame to see you masquerading as a psychologist to boot. You clearly have no understanding of post traumatic stress disorder and did not even have the insight us meager students do that the next version of the diagnostic statistics manual will not contain such an entry.
That makes no sense. It would make sense perhaps if I were a licenced psychologist and I were bringing shame on the profession. I made so such claim. I merely repeat information on PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) mostly coming from government websites and veterans’ rights websites.
I am glad you are in Canada. Perhaps you should insult your own government instead of throwing bricks over borders like an irate child.
My behaviour is irrelevant. I am not killing kids. I am not a war criminal. What you are doing is like the wife of a man condemned of murder complaining about the prosecuting attorney not treating him with sufficient respect. You don’t deserve any respect at all and neither does your husband. You are married to an admitted war criminal and your are encouraging him is his criminal activity. You are no different than the wife of Nazi who encouraged her husband to invade Poland for the glory of the fatherland. May the same fate befall you. Others have politely tried to make you acknowledge what you are doing, but it made no impression, so I think it is perfectly ok to be verbally abuse you in an attempt to stop murder.
~ Heather Frazer, wife of SPC (Specialist) FrazerIf they turn on the radars we’re going to blow up their goddamn SAMs (surface-to-air missiles). They know we own their country. We own their airspace… We dictate the way they live and talk. And that’s what’s great about America right now. It’s a good thing, especially when there’s a lot of oil out there we need.
~ General William R. Looney III U.S. Brigadier General, Washington Post, 1999-08-30; referring, in reality, to the mass-murder of hundreds of civilian Iraqi men, women and children during 10,000 sanction bombing sorties in the first eight months of 1999.
How are you thus any different from a thieving, bullying Nazi?
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