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My Ideal Partner


born 1948-02-04, age 70.
height 1.89 metres (6.20 ft).
weight 104.33 kg (230 lbs)

I am no longer looking for a partner since I am attached. My current parter meets most of these critria I posted long ago, though we have a non-sexual relationship.




In order of priority, most important first:
  1. You must have a kind heart. You need not yet have your own project underway to save the world, but you must be tolerant of mine.
  2. Youthful appearance and energy.
  3. Sensual. Enjoys massage.
  4. Male.
  5. Open and honest.
  6. Trim and smooth.
  7. Not materialistic.
You can read about my ex’s to see that I have been attracted to quite a range of guys.


Here is what I looked like at various points in my life:
year age
1953 5 photo
1962 14 photo
1963 15 photo
1964 16 photo
1965 17 photo
1966 18 photo
1969 21 photo
1970 22 photo
1975 27 photo
1976 28 photo
1977 29 photo
1979 31 photo
1980 32 photo
1981 33 photo
1982 34 photo
1984 36 photo
1989 41 photo
1995 47 photo
2000 52 photo
200-06 53 photo
2001-09-18 53 photo
2002-01-06 53 Roedy in 2002
2004-02-02 56 Roedy in 2004
2008-05-24 60 Roedy in 2008

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