Cited Book: God, the Failed Hypothesis: How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist

book cover recommend book⇒God, the Failed Hypothesis: How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist
by Victor J. Stenger 978-1-59102-652-5 paperback
birth 1935-01-29 2014-08-27 age:79 978-1-59102-481-1 hardcover
publisher Prometheus 978-1-61592-003-7 eBook
published 2007-01-25 B003N6568Y kindle
This is not just evidence that details in various holy books are wrong. This evidence that none of the proposed 10,000 gods exist, either creators, supervisors or interveners. Physicist Victor J. Stenger contends that, if God exists, some evidence for this existence should be detectable by scientific means, especially considering the central rôle that God is alleged to play in the operation of the universe and the lives of humans. Treating the traditional God concept, as conventionally presented in the Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions, like any other scientific hypothesis, Stenger examines all of the claims made for God’s existence. He considers the latest Intelligent Design arguments as evidence of God’s influence in biology. He looks at human behaviour for evidence of immaterial souls and the possible effects of prayer. He discusses the findings of physics and astronomy in weighing the suggestions that the universe is the work of a creator and that humans are God’s special creation. After evaluating all the scientific evidence, Stenger concludes that beyond a reasonable doubt the universe and life appear exactly as we might expect if there were no God.
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