Cited Book: Host Your Web Site In The Cloud: Amazon Web Services Made Easy: Amazon EC2 Made Easy

book cover recommend book⇒Host Your Web Site In The Cloud: Amazon Web Services Made Easy: Amazon EC2 Made Easy
by Jeff Barr 978-0-9805768-3-2 paperback
publisher SitePoint 978-1-4571-9159-6 eBook
published 2010-09-28 B0046ZRKZ8 kindle

It is hard to find recent books on EC2 and Amazon. It has been an unusually volatile API so you really want something published in the last six months. The book aims to:

  • gain a thorough understanding of cloud computing.
  • master the fundamentals of Amazon Web Services.
  • install and configure visual and command line tools.
  • store, retrieve and distribute data quickly and easily.
  • build applications that scale.
  • manage the monitoring, load balancing and scaling capabilities of cloud computing.
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