Cited Book: State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS

book cover recommend book⇒State Origin: The Evidence of the Laboratory Birth of AIDS
by Boyd Graves 978-0-9707735-1-7 paperback
publisher Zygote
published 2001-06-01 The creation, production and proliferation of AIDS is the ultimate assault on a social fabric woven in democracy. Here, Boyd Ed Graves shares some of the court documents and correspondence in response to the world’s most deadly ethnic cleansing experiment. His 1999 Flow Chart discovery has been authenticated by medical and scientific doctors around the world. The critical insights now being unlocked by the thirty year old secret U.S. AIDS Flow Chart, have firmly established the genocide blue print as the greatest document find of the century. The shocking conclusions of Dr. Graves’ research has resulted in the landmark case seeking Global AIDS Apology. Boyd E. Graves vs. The President of the United States, et al. United States Supreme Court Case No. 00-9587.
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