Cited Book: The Geography of Hope: A Tour of the World We Need

book cover recommend book⇒The Geography of Hope: A Tour of the World We Need
by Chris Turner 978-0-679-31466-0 paperback
birth 1973-07-25 age:44 978-0-679-31465-3 hardcover
publisher Random House Canada B003LL3FG6 kindle
published 2007-10-05
Turner visited housing projects all over the world that are designed to deal with the end of oil. The good news is people are building homes that produce more energy than they use. Houses have become miniature power plants. In some parts of the world, you can buy and drive a pollution-free hydrogen car. In Scotland they also tackled low-energy sewage treatment. In general this work is being done by individuals and relatively small groups of people. We don’t have to wait for the US goverment or Exxon to come around. The world is passing them by.
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