Cited Book: The Trouble with Billionaires

book cover recommend book⇒The Trouble with Billionaires
by Linda McQuaig 978-0-14-317454-7 paperback
birth 1951 age:66 978-0-670-06419-9 hardcover
publisher Viking Canada
published 2010

The glittering lives of billionaires may seem like a harmless source of entertainment. But such concentrated economic power reverberates throughout society, threatening the quality of life and the very functioning of democracy. It’s no accident that the United States claims the most billionaires — but suffers among the highest rates of infant mortality and crime, the shortest life expectancy, as well as the lowest rates of social mobility and electoral political participation in the developed world.

Our society tends to regard large fortunes as evidence of great talent or accomplishment. Yet the vast new wealth isn’t due to an increase in talent or effort at the top, but rather to changing social attitudes legitimizing greed and government policy changes that favour the new elite.

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