Cited Book: Mastering Regular Expressions, Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools, third edition

book cover recommend book⇒Mastering Regular Expressions, Powerful Techniques for Perl and Other Tools, third edition
by Jeffrey E. Friedl andy Oram 978-0-596-52812-6 paperback
birth 1966 age:51 978-1-4493-3253-2 eBook
publisher O’Reilly recommended B007I8S1X0 kindle
published 2006-08-08
The Owl Book. Includes scripting languages such as Perl, Tcl, auk and Python. Does not specifically cover Java, though Java regexes were modeled on Perl. More a book for regex experts to hone their skills than a newbie to learn regexes. It is a good place to find regex solutions to standard problems. While it isn’t made up in cookbook style, the examples are usually real-life problems that can be put into practical use.
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