Cited Book: The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe

book cover recommend book⇒The Euro: How a Common Currency Threatens the Future of Europe
by Joseph E. Stiglitz 978-0-393-35410-2 paperback
birth 1943-02-09 age:75 978-1-5366-1770-2 audio
publisher W. W. Norton & Company B015TDWSCU kindle
published 2017-08-01
To work: the EU would either have to:
  • let each EU country go its own way in terms of a currency.
  • Split into a northern and southern euro.
  • Form a stronger union so that the EU as a whole has firmer control over the currency and banks.
What is going on now is countries like Greece, Spain and Portugual are being pushed so deeply into austerity, it is making it much harder for them to pay off their debts. A country in recession cannot generate income.
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