Windows 2000 : Java Glossary


logo Windows 2000
aka Win2K is Microsoft’s GUI (Graphic User Interface) the successor to Windows NT. It is large, complex and expensive. It not quite as stable as NT. Don’t even think about installing it on a machine that was built-in the previous century. Windows 2000 has dropped official support for ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) devices, though there are still some ISA drivers provided. It is primarily for business use. For games, use Windows ME. Its DOS (Disk Operating System) emulation box is hopeless. I gave up on it entirely and use only tcc. If you mix W98 and W2K on a LAN (Local Area Network), W2K can see the W98 shared drives, but not vice versa. You must set up accounts on the W2K machines identical to the login id/passwords of all the users who are permitted to share. You define what they are allowed to do on the W2K machine.
Where To Find
Where Windows 2000 Squirrels Information
When Win2K Won’t Boot

Where To Find

In W2K, many features have been moved from their familiar positions. Here is where to look:
Where Windows 2000 Hides Interesting Information
Function Where To Look Notes

accessing a shared disk

  1. My Network Places
  2. Computers Near Me
  3. the desired computer
  4. (wait, wait wait)
  5. right click the desired disk
  6. then either open or map the network drive
Look at somebody else’s hard drive. Optionally, set up a drive letter so their drive forever after looks to be part of your machine.


  1. Start
  2. Control Panel
  3. Display Effecs
  4. Smooth edges of screenfonts
W2K often does not anti-alias even when you ask it to.

device manager

  1. Right click My Computer
  2. Manage
  3. Device Manager
  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. Administrative Tools
  4. Computer Management
  5. Device Manager
What devices are connected? Are there IRQ (Interrupt Request) conflicts? Where do I install new device drivers?

dial the Internet

  1. Start
  2. Settings Network and Dial Up Connections
  3. Make a new Connection
You can set up a connection to a new ISP (Internet Service Provider) or find all the existing ones.

dialing rules

  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. Phone and Modem Options
Which exchanges are long distance require 1+? When do you need to dial the area code for local calls? Where are you dialling from? See my student project proposal to clean this mess up.

default dialer

  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. Internet Options
  4. Connections
  5. select dialer
  6. set default
Which dial up ISP do you want to use to access the Internet?

dial or LAN

  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. Internet Options
  4. Connections
  5. setup
Do you want to use dialup or a LAN (and high speed cable or ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) ) access the Internet?

disable a dialer

  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. Internet Options
  4. Connections
  5. select dialer
  6. properties
  7. do not allow Internet programs to use this connection
You must disable all your diallers when you use the LAN, your you may find programs wanting to use them in preference to the LAN.

drive letters

  1. Start
  2. Settings
  3. Control Panel
  4. Administrative Tools
  5. Computer Management
  6. Storage
  7. Disk Management
You can also use
  1. Tools
  2. Map Network Drive on the directory tool bar to map a drive letter to shareable directory on a local or remote drive.
To map your entire E: drive so you can also access it as J:
  1. My Computer
  2. right click E: properties
  3. sharing
  4. share this folder
  5. ok
Then click
  1. My Computer
  2. right click E:
  3. open
  4. tools
  5. map network drive
Making your CD-reader always R:, writer always W: and DVD (Digital Video Disc) reader/writer always V:. Be careful reassigning disk drives. Registry references will not automatically be adjusted. You may find all programs on that drive stop working. You can’t reletter the system partition or the partition CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide on Silicon) booted from. This makes it vary hard to clone a system without help from a PowerQuest tools. Your clone has to have different drive letters, e. g. copy of the operating system seems to have its own set of drive letter mappings. However, they are fragile. If you add a drive, swap primary and secondary drives, or change the drive CMOS boots from first, it suddenly forgets its letters and reverts to a default set and very likely will become unbootable.

You can use subst X: Y:\ to define alias drive letters for existing drives, or subst X: Y:\somedir to create shortcuts to commonly used directories. However, Windows forgets your settings after every reboot. To get around that problem you need to compose a bat file to to do the SUBST and put in it the startup directory. SUBST is quicker and does not fail when other network connections fail.

Choose J: as the drive and type in the name // roedy/E$ as the share name where roedy is your computer’s name. Infuriatingly, you can’t simply browse to the E:\ directory.

environment variables

  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. System
  4. Advanced
  5. Environment Variables
Alternatively, to view without possibility of editing,
  1. Right Click My Computer
  2. Manage
  3. System Tools
  4. System Information
  5. Environment Variables
Where you do you SET XX=YYYY controls for BAT (Batch) files. W2K is improved. It is now hard to inadvertently lose your changes. If in doubt, put your variables in the system section. This way they won’t get lost if the system decides to rename your user directory, which it will do if you change your computer workgroup/name.

LAN IP (Internet Protocol) configuration

  1. Start
  2. Settings Network and Dial Up Connections
  3. Local Area Connection
  4. Properties
Configure static or dynamic (DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) ) IP/DNS assignment. This menu item will not exist until your Ethernet card is functioning properly. Check with the device manager if you don’t see the Local Area Connection option.

LAN IP display

in a DOS box, type IPCONFIG. What IP addresses in this machine using? What has DHCP given me for a DNS (Domain Name Service) server? The full name is C:\WINNT\system32\ipconfig.exe. Also shows dial up IP as well.

machine/host name

  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. System
  4. Network Identification
Computer name and Workgroup for this machine. Only machines in the same workgroup see each other.

sharing your disks

  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. Administrative Tools
  4. Computer Management
  5. System Tools
  6. Shared Folders
  8. Action
  9. New
  10. File Share
Share your folder or disk with others on the LAN.

sharing printers

  1. Start
  2. Settings Printers
  3. Right click the printer you want to share
  4. sharing
Share your printer with others on the LAN.

configuring colours and fonts

  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. Display
  4. Appearance
  1. Start
  2. Settings Control Panel
  3. Start
  4. Settings Advanced
  5. General
Configure colours and fonts used on various window widgets. If you find some great wallpaper, save a copy separately so you can reinstall it later. This is also true for fonts.

icon spacing

  1. Right click desktop
  2. Properties
  3. Appearance
  4. Item
  5. Icon Spacing (horizontal) also Icon Spacing (horizontal)
Configure desktop icon spacing.

configuring the quick launch bar

  1. right click the task bar
  2. Toolbars
  3. and enable quick launch
You can drag icons from the desktop to the lower left part of the task bar at the bottom of the screen for rapid one-click launch of common programs. It won’t let you drag icons until you enable the quick launch tool bar.

Perhaps some W2K wiz could write a tiny program that takes you to each of these places in a single click. You could implement the program for all the various operating systems. That way you would not have to remember where info is hidden differently under different OSes (Operating Systems). MS won’t let you use the ordinary shortcut mechanism to jump directly once you have found these power points once.

Where Windows 2000 Squirrels Information

Most of Windows information is in the registry. You can search for it with regedit. boot.ini handles finding alternate systems to boot from. For details see boot manager. Most configuration information is in the Documents and Settings directory, either in All Users or under a specific user.

If you reinstall Windows, it sometimes creates new Documents and Settings user directories, with slightly different names, e.g. Roedy Green.ROEDY instead of Roedy Green To get your familiar names, delete the old ones before reinstall and manually restore data to them later.

The SomeUser/Application Data directory is a safer alternative to using the registry. It can be backed up.

Your colour schemes are stored in Documents and Settings/User/NTUSER.DAT (a hive in the registry). Unfortunately Microsoft has gone to extreme lengths to prevent you from copying that file to another computer to transfer the set of colour schemes. If you attempt it you will be blocked three ways: sharing violation to copy it, sharing violation to copy it in and finally a transplant rejection if you manage to bypass the first two impediments.

I have not figured out where it stores the icons on the task bar.

The drive letter assignments are hidden in the boot sector. This means the assignments are global across various copies of Win2K, which rather defeats the point of having multiple isolated copies.

If you have many userids on the same machine and several boot images, it can get confusing which one is in control. The easiest way is to give them all unique wallpaper. Type SET in the DOS box and look for USERPROFILE=D:\Documents and Settings\Roedy Green.ROEDY to find out which user is active and look for the SystemDrive=D: to find out which is the system drive, not necessarily the drive CMOS booted from.

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Desktop\ contains the shortcuts and folders on your desktop.
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users.WINNT\Desktop\" contains shortcuts and folders on the desktop common to all users.
Documents and Settings/Administrator.user/Start Menu contains your start menu.
Documents and Settings/All Users.WINNT/Start Menu contains the start menu common to all users

When Windows 2000 Won’t Boot

Windows is a like a house of cards. One day you will install some trivial piece of software and it will no longer boot. Before you resort to reinstalling Windows 2000 and then all your apps, try these emergency measures:
book cover recommend book⇒Inside Windows 2000, third editionto book home
by David A. Solomon and Mark E. Russinovich 978-0-7356-1021-7 paperback
publisher Microsoft 978-0-7356-1021-7 hardcover
published 2000-09-16 978-0-9726799-1-6 audio
A book about Windows 2000 internals.
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