interface : Java Glossary

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An interface is a description of a set of methods that conforming implementing classes must have.
Like A Class Gotchas
extend or implement? Interface Or Abstract?
Instantiating Antipattern
Sample Code Easy Maintenance
Multiple Inheritance Reusable Code
Implied Modifiers Compilation Efficiency
Business Metaphor What You Don’t Specify
Markers List of all Interfaces in the JDK
Duct Tape Learning More
Hymn of Praise Links

Like A Class With Restrictions

Under the hood, an interface is like a class with some restrictions.
  1. All its methods must be abstract instance methods, no static methods allowed. However, you don’t declare the methods abstract. That is implicit.
  2. Yet, all the variables defined in an interface must be static final, i.e. constants. Happily the values need not be known at compile time. You can do some computation at class load time to compute the values. The variables need not be just simple ints and Strings. They can be any type. Normally you leave off the static final as it is implicit.
  3. No static initialiser blocks. You must do your initialisations in one line per variable. And, of course, no static initialiser helper methods defined in the interface. If you need them, them must be defined outside the interface.
  4. The throws clauses about Exceptions in the interface’s methods must exactly match the throws clauses of the implementing methods.
Common interfaces include java.util.Collection, java.util.List, java.util.Map and java.util.Set.

extend or implement?


interface methods are always instance methods. To use them, there must be some associated Object that implements the interface. You can’t instantiate an interface directly, but you can instantiate a class that implements an interface. References to an Object can by via the class name, via one of its superclass names, or one of its interface names.

Sample Code

Here Here Here

Multiple Inheritance

In return for these restrictions, interfaces possess a feature that classes do not — they can be multiply inherited. A new class can extend only one superclass to inherit methods and variables from, however, a class can implement multiple interfaces. An interface can extend several other interfaces. An interface enforces how some of your methods must look to the outside world. It says nothing about how you implement them. In contrast, a class usually brings with it some default implementations.

Implied Modifiers

All methods in an interface are implicitly declared public and abstract. All variables in an interface must be constants. They are implicitly declared public static final.

The Business Metaphor

You won’t see many interfaces in small programs. However, they are invaluable in large projects with many classes for managing the complicated interactions between the classes. Managing a large set of classes is a bit like managing a giant bureaucracy. You need formal job descriptions and formal descriptions of who reports what information to whom and who can ask what services of whom. If you try to manage large collections of interacting classes without using interfaces, every class becomes inextricably intertwined with all the other classes and you can’t change anything without breaking everything. You also get into chicken and egg problems. How can I test (or even compile) my code without all the other classes I interact with fully functional? You can’t keep track of the flow of information. You have no idea how the whole thing works, even if it does.

I will develop this metaphor that will only gradually come clear over the years as you experiment with interfaces. An interface is like a rôle description. A person in a bureaucracy may play several rôle s: filing clerk, keeper of petty cash, manager of the coffee machine. You are restricted to a subset of her total capabilities when you interact with her in each of her rôle s.

For someone to temporarily take over as manager of the coffee machine, all they need assume is the one rôle, not all the capabilities of the usual multi-talented coffee lady. The rôle description describes the minimal capabilities for someone to pinch hit as a coffee machine manager. Even a male can be the coffee lady.

With clearly defined rôle s, it is easy to ask, do you have the capabilities to pinch hit as coffee lady? You don’t have to check out the necessary skills one by one. An interface is like a skill set summary.

In a hierarchical business organisation, each person has a formal set of responsibilities, information to be passed to superiors, information to be gleaned from underlings, commands taken from superiors and commands given to underlings… Most people in an organisation play many rôle s, depending on whom they are talking to. Underlings are severely restricted in the services they can demand of the president. Interfaces formally define the precise set of services each class must provide in a given rôle . rôle s simplify interactions. The requestor knows what services are guaranteed to be provided and interfaces prevent the requestor from asking for services outside the formally agreed on rôle, even if the requestee is capable of providing them.

With interfaces, it makes who fulfills a rôle interchangeable. Nobody informally comes to rely on the additional petty cash skills of the original coffee lady, unless they formally interacted with the coffee lady also in the rôle of petty cash manager. Different people could pinch hit for a vacationing coffee lady, one taking over her coffee lady rôle and one taking over her petty cash manager rôle . Interfaces allow a class to say to other classes, if you want to interact with me in rôle A, you must be capable of assuming rôle s B, C and D. It makes it much simpler to plug classes together if all you have to do is find a matching set of compatible rôle s (interfaces). If they won’t fit, it is clear what minimal work you would have to do to upgrade the skill set (methods), to allow a class to act in a new rôle and hence to allow it to interact with some other particular class.

Rôle descriptions, like interfaces, can be nested (multiply inherited). The rôle description for a telephone supervisor naturally assumes capability of also acting as an operator and also the rôle of petty cash manager.

Interfaces are a discipline to keep you from using any more of a class’s methods than you absolutely have to. They thus make it much easier to replace a class with some other mininmally functional class to fulfil some subset of its functionality.

Marker Interfaces

There are some dummy marker interfaces without any methods that don’t require you to write any code to implement them. They include Serializable (note the American z spelling) and Cloneable. All you do is add the line implements Serializable to the class definition line and presto, your class can partake in pickling.

Duct Tape

Interfaces are the duct tape of Java. Imagine that JApplet had been developed totally independently of Applet. (It wasn’t. JApplet is a subclass of Applet.) How could you write some code that worked with both Applet and JApplet objects, letting you get at the methods the two have in common? In other words, how can you treat Objects identically when they belong to similar classes, with many identically named methods, but where that set of common methods is not reflected in a common base class?

You could use Java’s duct tape — the interface. You would define an interface say GeneralApplet with some of the methods common to Applet and JApplet. You would then modify both Applet and JApplet to implement your GeneralApplet interface. This is very easy to do, just add the words implements GeneralApplet to the class definition line of both Applet and JApplet. You now have a GeneralApplet reference that could be either an Applet or JApplet decided

You would have glued together classes that came from quite different ancestries. If necessary, you can mask slight differences in the method signatures of the two classes with some interface wrapper methods.

Hymn of Praise

By using rôle s you describe the bare bones of the interactions. You make clear what skills a class has are and are not necessary to fulfill a given rôle . This pruning out all unessential skills from consideration make the interactions much easier to understand. Avoiding interfaces is a great way to write unmaintainable code.

You will find yourself using interfaces more and more as you work on complex projects. They let you simplify the possible interactions between groups of classes to just what is needed. Interfaces formalise, document and enforce the interactions between classes. They make code components more independent and reusable. Pieces of code can be written even when the code it needs to interact with is not written yet or is currently not compilable. In GUI (Graphic User Interface) s, where you have panels within panels communicating, you will find it helps immensely to define an interface for each parent listener callback delegate, even when there is only one caller class.

Interfaces give a much finer degree of control of how classes interact than the public/ private scheme.


Eclipse refactoring leaves array constants behind when you ask it to move them off to an interface. However, you can move them manually yourself. It is perfectly ok to have array constants in an interface.

Interface Or Abstract Class

The Interface Antipattern

It is considered bad form to write an interface with nothing but static final constants it in. An interface should have at least one abstract method. If all you want is a collection of constants, use an ordinary class with import static

Easy Maintenance

Interfaces have yet another use — in writing easy-to-maintain code. Let us assume you created an ArrayList, then later had to change your code so that you used a Vector instead and then later realised a LinkedList would be the best way to handle it. You would have to change every ArrayList cast and reference to Vector then later to LinkedList. You might accidentally change some unrelated ArrayList. If instead you used the interface List as your reference type, which these three classes share in common, the only thing that would have to change is the new ArrayList( 300); All the rest could stay as List. Let me put it yet another way. If you wrote a method that expected a List parameter, it would happily work with either an ArrayList, Vector or LinkedList. You can write more generic code using interfaces.

Reusable Code, Plug-Compatible

Yet another advantage of using interfaces is it makes the type system less prissy when it does not really matter. Anything that can implement List is roughly interchangeable. You can work with a mixture of Vectors, ArrayLists, LinkedLists, and OSVectorLists (ObjectStore persistent arrays), etc. and for the most part, all just comes out in the wash in the interactions. It is as though everything were a one-size-fits-all List.

When you use an interface, you lower the bar to potential class interactions and hence reusability. You demand fit only where fit really matters.

Compilation Efficiency

Yet another advantage of using interfaces comes when you have a large project. If you modify a method, that class has to be recompiled, but just in case you changed one of the method signatures, all the code that calls that method has to be recompiled too. If you use an interface and don’t change the interface (which lives in a separate file from the implementations), changing just the interface implementation classes, nothing need be recompiled, so long as those classes accessed via the interface name rather than specific class name, e.g. by using factories and interface reference names. This is another example of the adage All computer programs can be solved by adding sufficient layers of indirection. In fact you can write and compile code to call methods in an interface specification even before anyone has written any implementations.

What You Don’t Specify

You can’t specify static methods in an interface. All interface methods are instance methods. Even if you could, how would you invoke the static method? There would be no way to invoke it via its interface name, (How would the compiler know which implementation version you wanted?) so there would be not much point in it. I think a static declaration still might be useful as to the implementor of an interface to remind him to supply a useful static method to be invoked explicitly via its class name.

You don’t need to specify public in the interface method definitions. That is presumed. However, when you go to implement the interface, you need to specifically spell out the public, so I find it easier to specify public in the interface to make them more useful templates. IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) today are getting smarter and will insert it for you when you use wizards to generate a skeleton implementation of an interface.

I don’t recommend this, but you can also leave off the static finals on your interface constants.

You don’t specify synchronized in your interface method declarations. This is an implementation detail.

List of all Interfaces in the JDK (Java Development Kit)

Here is a list of all the interfaces in JDK 1.8.0_131 Last revised/verified: 2014-05-04 by extracting the interface names from the all-classes.html file. view

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