Dragon Naturally Speaking : Java Glossary

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Dragon Naturally Speaking
A software program that lets you type at 160 words per minute by speaking to your computer in perfectly natural continuous speech. The current version is 13 Last revised/verified: 2014-07-22. I saw a demo of this circa 1999 and even then it was finally ready for prime time. Since then computer CPUs (Central Processing Units) have gotten a lot faster, RAM (Random Access Memory) a lot bigger and cheaper and the software even more clever. In the demo, it never once made an error, even when the members of our Vancouver PC (Personal Computer) user Society audience tried to give it difficult phrases. It is ever clever about homonyms like to, too and two.

To work well, you need a high quality noise-cancelling microphone and a USB (Universal Serial Bus) microphone pod. A pod is a  $90.00 USD external sound card that attaches to a USB port. This way the analog-to-digital happens outside the electrically noisy computer case. Even the pod leaves you susceptible to electrical noise from your monitor. You might go for an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitor to reduce that interference further.

You need a 700+ MHz computer and 256+ MB ram, in other words almost any PC less than 5 years old will do. You also need an approved microphone. Your productivity is greatly magnified by voice macros. You can arrange that any word type any series of keystrokes. Further, you can create macros with parameters, loops and other logic. Unlike keystroke macros, there is no practical limit to how many macros you can define or how many you can remember. It can be used for word processing, programming, filling in tables and spreadsheets, anything you might do with a keyboard. The only things it can’t do are mouse intensive tasks like PaintShop Pro. Speakeasy Solutions create macro packages and special purpose interfaces to Dragon Naturally Speaking Pro. They also sell headsets, pods and handheld solid-state digital recorders. You can wander off, record your thoughts, then plug your handheld into the computer for transcribing.

For an app to permit voice editing, it needs to link with the voice interface. Usually all you must do to make an app fully voice aware is link it with an object file the Speakeasy people will give you. You don’t have to write any special code. Without this, you can still do data entry, but editing is not as clever. I unsuccessfully tried to talk the makers of my favourite software packages into doing this.

To work well, it needs a good quality microphone. The quality of the headphones is unimportant to it, as is the durability of the headset.

It comes in over five editions:

electronic product image recommend electronic⇒Dragon NaturallySpeaking Home 13.0 [Download]to electronic home
asin B00MH8L6W4
Comes with various bundlings, CD/electronic, with headset, with book. Details.
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Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock
electronic product image recommend electronic⇒Dragon Premium 13.0, English [Download]to electronic home
asin B00MEO2ZJ4
Does not include a headset or digital recorder. Comes is various bundlings. Can transcribe from a digital recorder. Works in spreadsheets. details. Price varies drastically over time and retailer. The download is over 3 gigabytes, the equivalent of 5 CDs. If you purchase online, use Chrome. Make sure to backup the download to DVD. Activation ensures it will work on only one computer.
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Canadian flag amazon.ca canadacomputers.com Canadian flag
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India flag junglee.com ncixus.com American flag
UN flag other stores newegg.com American flag
www.staples.com American flag
tigerdirect.com American flag
Greyed out stores probably do not have the item in stock

A simple version often comes bundled with a digital recorder.

The less expensive versions have fewer features and can run on smaller machines.


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