decompiler : Java Glossary

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A decompiler takes class files right back to Java source. In contrast, a disassembler converts them back to something like assembler code for the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Decompiling is usually forbidden by American software licence agreements. In Europe it is legal if the intent is to learn how to write other software to interface with it.
Program Notes
Androchef Handles asserts. Released after Java 7 so it is the most up-to-date decompiler. It is based on an undisclosed newer engine than JAD. Written by Atanas Neshkov, the same guy who does the excellent DJ decompiler. GUI (Graphic User Interface). $25.00 USD Last revised/verified: 2016-01-10. You give it the name of a class file or jar and a target directory and it produces indented compiler-ready Java.
CafeBabe 1.2.7a graphical classfile disassembler, editor, stripper, migrator, compactor (dependencies finder) and obfuscator. You can get sources or binaries. Now this project is published under Java Lobby free licence. Last revised: 1999-11 Verified: 2007-09-24 for Java 1.2
CavaJ Front end for JAD. Last revised/verified: 2008-04-26
ClassCracker 3.02 Mayon’s $90.00 USD ClassCracker lets you reverse engineer class files three ways:
  1. a decompiler that converts Java class files to Java source code.
  2. a disassembler that converts Java class files to JVM instructions (opcodes)
  3. a class file DUMPer that displays the structure of Java class files.
Last revised: 2005-10 Verified: 2007-09-24
Java Decompiler Free Last revised/verified: 2011-02-11 works even on Java version 1.6, unlike the older competition. Also comes as an Eclipse plug-in. A plug-in for IntelliJ is in the works. written in C++. From France.
JReversePro 1.4.1 Open source project, GPL (Gnu Public Licence). Last revised/verified: 2009-09-24
DJ Graphical front end for JAD. A 2006 version of JAD is included. Highly recommended. I used it successfully to decompile Java version 1.5 enums back to Java version 1.4 style code. The new version can’t do that since it decompiles even Java 1.6 constructs. Does not require Java to run but does require W95, W98, Me, NT, W2K, XP, W2003, Vista, W2008, W7-32, W7-64, W8-32, W8-64, W2012, W10-32 and W10-64. $20.00 USD It intent is to as accurately as possible recreate the original Java. It is not good if you are trying to figure out how Java works under the hood, e.g. to figure out how enum works, since it reorders and tidies too much. For that, you are best to use a disassembler in conjunction. Last revised/verified: 2016-02-26
Front End Plus 1.0 Free. Works in conjunction with JAD. Last revised: 2001-03-30 Verified: 2012-02-22
JAD 1.5.8 written in C++. Free for non-commercial use. No longer permits people write wrappers around it, though DJ still has the legacy right to do so. Source is not available. The author, Pavel Kouznetsov, seems to have lost interest in the program. Last revised/verified: 2009-10-02
JD-GUI free, written in Java, open-source, works with Java 1.5 Last revised/verified: 2010-07-04
JODE Has trouble with code after JDK (Java Development Kit) 1.3. Last revised: 2004-08-09 Verified: 2008-04-26
SourceAgain 1.1 Comes in personal $99.00 USD and professional $299.00 USD versions. They have a web-based trial version. Last revised: 2001-12 Verified: 2007-09-24 for Java 1.3
Soot 2.2.4 Free, only incidentally does decompilation. Last revised: 2007-04-27 Verified: 2007-09-24
WingDis no longer available

There are glowing references to the first analytical Java decompiler called Fernflower by Stiver.


book cover recommend book⇒Decompiling Javato book home
by Godfrey Nolan 978-0-07-913767-8 paperback
publisher Apress 978-1-59059-265-6 hardcover
published 2004-07-23 B001GIPGC2 kindle
Note that this book was published in 2004, before generics and enums. Decompiling and protecting yourself from decompilers using obfuscation.
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book cover recommend book⇒Covert Java: Techniques for Decompiling, Patching and Reverse Engineeringto book home
by Alex Kalinovsky 978-0-672-32638-7 paperback
birth 1974 age:43
publisher Sams
published 2004-05-13
Learn the art of war, both offense and defence to protect your code from pirates. Note that this book was published in 2004, before generics and enums.
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