ByteBuffer : Java Glossary


java.nio.ByteBuffer is the cornerstone of the nio new I/O package. It is also used for high performance conversions of byte[] to char[] and back.
What ByteBuffer is Not Sequentially Reading A File
How It Works Little Endian Files
Operations Learning More
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What ByteBuffer is Not

The biggest problem in understanding ByteBuffer is presuming that it is cleverer than it really is. For most purposes, you might as well use the traditional IO stream methods which use nio under the covers.

How It Works


  1. To get started you can clear. This sets the limit to the capacity and the position to zero, thus freeing up all the buffer space and making the buffer logically empty. It does not actually zero the backing array.
  2. You can add data to the buffer with put. When the buffer is full, you get a BufferOverflowException. The call does not block until space is freed up. put has several variants to put just one or multiple bytes, to put the next bytes, or to specify the offset either absolutely (relative to the beginning of the buffer) or relatively (relative to the current position). It works analogously to the seek pointer manipulations in file I/O.
  3. The way to prepare to read is to use flip rather than rewind. It sets the limit to the current position and then sets the position to zero. Using flip will prevent you reading with get out past where you have written. You must call flip exactly once. If you fail to call it or call it twice, the ByteBuffer will appear to be empty. To make things worse, ByteBuffer often calls flip for you automatically e.g. on FileChannel. map( FileChannel. MapMode. READ_ONLY,…) and on ByteBuffer. wrap. I consider this design grossly incompetent. The design maliciously attempts to trip up programmers.
  4. You then read data out of the buffer with get. When you bang into the limit, you get a Buffer UnderflowException. Normally, you count your reads with a for loop up to the limit. The get call does not block until more data are available. get has several variants to get just one or multiple bytes, to get the next bytes, or to specify the offset either absolutely (relative to the beginning of the buffer) or relatively (relative to the current position). It works analogously to the seek pointer manipulations in file I/O.
  5. After you have read data, you can go back to the beginning and start reading again with rewind, which leaves the limit unchanged and sets the position to zero. You must use flip before the first read pass and rewind before subsequent ones. If you screw this up you will either see an empty buffer or read gibberish out past the end of the data, all without error messages or exceptions!

Sample Code

Creating Creating a ByteBuffer by wrapping an existing byte[]: Using a MappedByteBuffer to read a file:

Sequentially Reading a File

If your file is small enough to fit in your virtual address space all at once, then you could memory map it, using a FileChannel and MappedByteBuffer and leave the OS (Operating System) to figure out how to do the I/O to read it as needed, or possibly even preemptively read it.

If you don’t want to allocate large hunks of your virtual address space, you could allocate a smaller MappedByteBuffer at some offset in the file other than 0 and read a decently large chunk of it. When done, allocate a new MappedByteBuffer. You can be considerably more generous in your chunk size than when allocating buffers.

Alternatively, you could do your I/O in a more conventional way using FileChannel. read( ByteBuffer dst ), to read the next chunk of the file into a pre-allocated ByteBuffer. This approach is clumbsier than traditional stream I/O, but can be more efficient, especially when you slew over most of the data, or access it via the backing array. It will pay off if for example you were processing just a 4-byte field in a 512-byte record, since only the bytes you need are copied from the buffer, not the entire record.

The effect is even more pronounced with MappedBuffers and large records where pages of records you don’t need are not even read into RAM (Random Access Memory).

Handling Little Endian Files

You can use  ByteBuffer.order ( ByteOrder. LITTLE_ENDIAN ) to set the endian byte-sex of the buffer to little endian. Then when you use ByteBuffer. getInt ( int offset ), it will collect the bytes least significant first. Note that the offset is specified in bytes, not ints.

Learning More

Oracle’s Javadoc on ByteBuffer class : available:
Oracle’s Javadoc on Buffer class : available:
Oracle’s Javadoc on FileInputStream class : available:
Oracle’s Javadoc on FileChannel class : available:
Oracle’s Javadoc on MappedByteBuffer class : available:

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