Download the entire CMP Website using The Replicator to download and keep your copy current efficiently. The download covers definitions of Java terminology, essays on various Java related topics and pointers to where you can get more information about Java related problems. It also covers the entire website which discusses political, environmental and religious issues. It includes the gay glossary, the computer buyer's glossary, all the sound and image files. I update the website many times a day and post the changes to the Replicator. You can stay as up to date as you want. Whenever you run the Replicator, you will get just the changes since your last visit. A Java Web Start application, the Replicator automatically downloads only the zips containing files that have changed since your last visit to automatically keep your mirror copy of the website up to date. The Replicator requires that you have the Java JRE 1.5.0 installed. The Replicator downloads the website is in ~1 MB zipped chunks, and automatically decompresses them. On subsequent visits, The Replicator automatically downloads just zips containing files that have changed since your last visit. Make sure you answer YES to The Replicator's digital signature request for privilege to write to your disk. If you have trouble with the download button, try starting Java webstart manually with: javaws.exe and feeding it this url: It will take a long time for your first download (~30 MB broken into 1 MB pieces) but subsequent ones should be rapid. You can safely abort at any time. The Replicator will pick up where you left off the next time you download. Why download with the Replicator instead of browse online? 1. If goes down temporarily or permanently, you will still have a copy. 2. You can browse your local copy more quickly that the web copy. 3. You can use your local search tools to find things. 4. You are providing yet another level of backup to foil those who would destroy the site. 5. With the Replicator, your local copy can now be just as up-to-date at the uncompressed website HTML with very little overhead. -30-