import java.util.Arrays;`

* Counts number decimal digits in a 32 bit signed number.
* 0 => 1, 9 => 1, 99 => 2 ... 2,147,483,647 => 10
* @param x number whose digits you wish to count.
* Must lie in range 0 .. Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* @return number of digits in x, e.g. Integer.toString(x).length()
* will always be 1 to 10
* @author Babu Kalakrishnan
static final int [] limits=
   9,99,999 ,9999,99999 ,999999,9999999 ,99999999,999999999

public static int widthInDigits ( int x )
   // Still works even though some numbers larger than our
   // 999,999,999 top limit
   int n = Arrays.binarySearch( limits , x );
   if ( n < 0 )
      // no precise match, have (-insertion point -1)
      return -n;
      // precise match
      return n + 1;

/* or better still with an unravelled binary search like this:*/

* Counts number decimal digits in a 32 bit signed number.
* 0 => 1, 9 => 1, 99 => 2, 2,147,483,647 => 10
* @param x number whose digits you wish to count.
* Must lie in range 0 .. Integer.MAX_VALUE;
* @return number of digits in x, e.g. Integer.toString(x).length()
* @author Marc Chappuis
public static int widthInDigits ( int x )
   // do an unravelled binary search
   if ( x < 10000 )
      if ( x < 100 )
         if ( x < 10 ) return 1;
         else return 2;
         if ( x < 1000 ) return 3;
         else return 4;
      if ( x < 1000000 )
         if ( x < 100000 ) return 5;
         else return 6;
         if ( x < 100000000 )
            if ( x < 10000000 ) return 7;
            else return 8;
            if ( x < 1000000000 ) return 9;
            else return 10;