Test Results from TestRegexFindQuotedString

Pattern: ["']\p{Print}+?["']
basic: href="http://mindprod.com" , found: true, correct: true ("http://mindprod.com")
Nested quote: George said "that's the ticket"., found: true, correct: false ("that')
Nested tick: Jeb replied '"ticket?"what ticket'., found: true, correct: false ('"ticket?")
Non-ASCII: "How nave!"., found: false, correct: false (null)
empty: ""xx, found: false, correct: false (null)
\ escaped: 'Bob\'s your uncle.', found: true, correct: false ('Bob\')
unbalanced (should fail):  'wonky", found: true, correct: false ('wonky")

Pattern: ["'][^"']+["']
basic: href="http://mindprod.com" , found: true, correct: true ("http://mindprod.com")
Nested quote: George said "that's the ticket"., found: true, correct: false ("that')
Nested tick: Jeb replied '"ticket?"what ticket'., found: true, correct: false ("ticket?")
Non-ASCII: "How nave!"., found: true, correct: true ("How nave!")
empty: ""xx, found: false, correct: false (null)
\ escaped: 'Bob\'s your uncle.', found: true, correct: false ('Bob\')
unbalanced (should fail):  'wonky", found: true, correct: false ('wonky")

Pattern: (["'])[^"']+\1
basic: href="http://mindprod.com" , found: true, correct: true ("http://mindprod.com")
Nested quote: George said "that's the ticket"., found: false, correct: false (null)
Nested tick: Jeb replied '"ticket?"what ticket'., found: true, correct: false ("ticket?")
Non-ASCII: "How nave!"., found: true, correct: true ("How nave!")
empty: ""xx, found: false, correct: false (null)
\ escaped: 'Bob\'s your uncle.', found: true, correct: false ('Bob\')
unbalanced (should fail):  'wonky", found: false, correct: false (null)

Pattern: "[^"]+"|'[^']+'
basic: href="http://mindprod.com" , found: true, correct: true ("http://mindprod.com")
Nested quote: George said "that's the ticket"., found: true, correct: true ("that's the ticket")
Nested tick: Jeb replied '"ticket?"what ticket'., found: true, correct: true ('"ticket?"what ticket')
Non-ASCII: "How nave!"., found: true, correct: true ("How nave!")
empty: ""xx, found: false, correct: false (null)
\ escaped: 'Bob\'s your uncle.', found: true, correct: false ('Bob\')
unbalanced (should fail):  'wonky", found: false, correct: false (null)

Pattern: "[^"]*"|'[^']*'
basic: href="http://mindprod.com" , found: true, correct: true ("http://mindprod.com")
Nested quote: George said "that's the ticket"., found: true, correct: true ("that's the ticket")
Nested tick: Jeb replied '"ticket?"what ticket'., found: true, correct: true ('"ticket?"what ticket')
Non-ASCII: "How nave!"., found: true, correct: true ("How nave!")
empty: ""xx, found: true, correct: true ("")
\ escaped: 'Bob\'s your uncle.', found: true, correct: false ('Bob\')
unbalanced (should fail):  'wonky", found: false, correct: false (null)

Pattern: "(?:\\.|[^\"])*"|'(?:\\.|[^\'])*'
basic: href="http://mindprod.com" , found: true, correct: true ("http://mindprod.com")
Nested quote: George said "that's the ticket"., found: true, correct: true ("that's the ticket")
Nested tick: Jeb replied '"ticket?"what ticket'., found: true, correct: true ('"ticket?"what ticket')
Non-ASCII: "How nave!"., found: true, correct: true ("How nave!")
empty: ""xx, found: true, correct: true ("")
\ escaped: 'Bob\'s your uncle.', found: true, correct: true ('Bob\'s your uncle.')
unbalanced (should fail):  'wonky", found: false, correct: false (null)