// how to use StarLayout
import com.mindprod.layout.StarLayout;
import com.mindprod.layout.StarConstraint;

// ...

this.setLayout ( new StarLayout( 100, 100 ) );

// place the 8 compass point buttons

// how far from the centre in pixels the inner buttons are.
int idist = 8;

// how far from the centre in pixels the outer buttons are.
int odist = 35;

// inner circle

this.add ( jButtonEast, new StarConstraint( 0, idist ) );
this.add ( jButtonNorth, new StarConstraint( 90, idist ) );
this.add ( jButtonWest, new StarConstraint( 180, idist ) );
this.add ( jButtonSouth, new StarConstraint( 270, idist ) );

// outer circle

this.add ( jButtonSouthWest, new StarConstraint( -135, odist ) );
this.add ( jButtonSouthEast, new StarConstraint( -45, odist ) );
this.add ( jButtonNorthEast, new StarConstraint( 45, odist ) );
this.add ( jButtonNorthWest, new StarConstraint( 135, odist ) );