/* normaly you might code a rule like this: */

h2 {
font-style : normal;
font-weight : bold;
font-size : 110%;
font-family : "Tiresias PCFont Z",serif;

/* You can abbreviate that to one line if you
   use the font combo tag. The catch is you must
   put the options in this exact order separated by spaces:

font-style     e.g. normal italic oblique
font-variant   e.g. small-caps
font-weight    e.g. bold bolder 600
font-size      e.g. normal large 110% 12pt 15px
font-family    e.g. comma separated list e.g. "Tiresias PCFont Z",serif


h2 { font: 12pt sans-serif; }
h2 { font: 80% sans-serif; }
h2 { font: x-large "new century schoolbook",serif; }
h2 { font: italic bold large Palatino, serif; }
h2 { font: normal small-caps 120% fantasy; }
h2 { font: oblique 12pt "Helvetica Nue",monospace; }