// Class instance methods

// display class name with indication if it is a primitive or a class
out.println( classOfReturnedValue.toString() );

// fully qualified name of class
String s = classOfReturnedValue.getName();
out.println( s );

// simple name of class without the package
String s = classOfReturnedValue.getName();
// manually chop off all past the last dot.
int lastDot = s.lastIndexOf( '.' );
if ( lastDot >= 0 )
   s = s.substring( lastDot + 1 );
out.println( s );

// dynamically find out the superclass (base mother class this class was derived from)
Class superclass= classOfReturnedValue.getSuperclass();
out.println( superclass.getName() );

// getClassLoader
ClassLoader loader = classOfReturnedValue.getClassLoader();

// Use it to find out just what some mysterious method ACTUALLY returns, not the interface or abstract classname
Class classOfReturnedValue = (ImageAlignment.values()).getClass();
out.println( classOfReturnedValue );  // [Lcom.mindprod.htmlmacros.ImageAlignment;
// means array of com.mindprod.htmlmacros.ImageAlignment objects where ImageAlignment is an enum