James Comey

Trump fired Comey because he refused to pledge loyalty and conspire in obstruction of justice. Comey wrote a book about it:

book cover recommend book⇒A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadershipto book home
by James Comey 978-1-250-19245-5 hardcover
birth 1960-12-14 age:57 978-1-4272-9829-4 audio
publisher Flatiron Books B074J6F41V kindle
published 2018-04-17
Comey was head of the FBI and head of an investigation in Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election. Trump demanded he pledge loyalty to him and lay off prosecuting Michael Flynn. Trump fired him. The book is an autobiography including his various interactions with Trump. He compares Trump to a mob boss.
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~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)