Terminally Stupid Trump Supporters

Trump supporters tell me they are sick and tired of being pushed around by fat cats. So whom do they choose as their pied piper? Donald Trump, the ultimate fat cat. He shits into a gold plated toilet. He lives in a gold tomb, decorated like Saddam Hussein’s palace. He skipped taxes for the last 18 years. He dodged the draft using his influence. He faked bankruptcy four times making billions by ripping off his creditors. He made a habit of hiring people to do construction for him then stiffing them. He even stiffed a little girl band he hired to entertain at rallies.

They vote for Republicans who invariably give massive tax cuts to the wealthy and increase the taxes on the middle class. Further, they insert tax loopholes for the rich. They promise reduced spending then jack up military spending. The US military is already bigger than the rest of the countries combined. The press to ensure only the wealthy get health care, denying even themselves and their kids!

They claim to be Christians, yet they cheer on a guy who confessed to serial sexual assault on 21 women.

They turn the other way when they learn Trump gang-raped a 13-year old virgin, tying her to a bed, taking turns with his convicted paedophile buddy Jeffrey Epstein in front of two witnesses. The case is going to court in 2016-12.

He promised to drain the swamp, then appointed only lobbyists and Washington insiders to his cabinet, all people famous for their corruption. Before the election, Trump himself bragged how he routinely bought politicians. This is like expecting an alligator to drain the swamp.

Trump supporters are stupid because they always vote against their own self interest. They believe whatever BS Trump tells them without ever checking it out for plausibility.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)