Unprotected Sex

Ironically, if you have unprotected sex with someone who tells you they do not know their HIV (Human Immuno-deficiency Virus) status, you are at far more at risk that if you have unprotected sex with someone who tells you they are HIV +. How could that be? If they don’t know their status and are about to have unprotected sex with you and they have probably had unprotected sex with many other people. Thus they are probably HIV +. The person who tells you they are HIV + has been tested and will probably be on anti-retroviral drugs, which should have reduced their HIV counts to undetectable levels. In that case, your odds of infection are ironically quite low.

Laws requiring divulging HIV status backfire. People avoid getting tested and treated. If someone has unprotected sex with strangers, either they are HIV or they soon will be. Relying on others to warn you of their status (that they may not know), is utterly foolhardy, no matter what the laws. Such laws just give a false sense of security.

~ Roedy (1948-02-04 age:70)