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People I Don’t Like


There are some truly evil people living on the planet. The real problem is some of them are also powerful. Ken Keyes said Love everyone unconditionally, including yourself, however, you don’t have to approve of their actions. Perhaps if these people were to realise how low they are generally held in esteem they might mend their ways. They may be doing their evil deeds because they mistakenly think it will make others respect them.
Will Johnston Pope Jean Paul II
Corporations Fred Phelps
Hilda Krieg John McCain
All Terrain Vehicles Charlton Heston
George Bush The Koch Brothers
Robert Mugabe Donald J. Trump
Frank Luntz The Media Whores
Bill Gates Republicans
Adnan Khashoggi Links

Will Johnston

Will Johnston

Willard (Will) Johnson works tirelessly to embed Pope Ratzinger’s Christian superstitions on abortion and euthanasia into Canadian law to effectively make Catholicism the official state religion. The opposition is based on beliefs in a punishing god named Yahweh, a belief that the god wrote a book of instructions, a belief that its is wicked to avoid certain types of suffering, presumed inflicted by this god, a belief that invisible ghosts called souls possess fertilised eggs, a belief that these souls leave the body on death and go elsewhere to continue life. There is no evidence for any of this, but Dr. Johnston is happy to inflict infinite pain on his patients because he is so certain it is so.

He is head of the EPC (Euthanasia Prevention Coalition of Canada) and CPL (Canadian Physicians for Life), an anti-abortion and anti-morning after pill group. He has a GP practice in Vancouver. He opposes amniocentesis on the grounds the parents may abort an badly deformed child.

He is unusually healthy and has the energy of five ordinary humans. As such, he finds it inconceivable than any one in their right mind would want to commit suicide or request help committing suicide. He is deeply religious, but tends to keep that under wraps when debating. He is an unusually dishonest debater. He makes great use of logical fallacies such as the slippery slope and the straw man. He ignores the issue under debate or real suffering and instead creates imaginary bogeymen to panic his listeners into the fold. For example, on CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) radio, he claimed if Gloria Taylor were allowed to have help ending her life when she became paralysed and the suffering of ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) became too intense it would inevitably lead to a Hitler-like figure having free reign to murder crippled children. He brazenly lied that the formal request procedure would make abuse easier than the current look-the-other-way of handling euthanasia. He is the darling of the Canadian religious right. If you Google him, you will see he is tireless in spreading his Christian superstitions via an anti-euthanasia and anti-abortion message.

He is an arrogant prick who thinks he knows so much better than I do how to handle my own end of life decisions that he is entitled to override my wishes.

The Catholic position on this question [physician assisted suicide being legal] is clear, human life is a gift from God. Therefore, as taught in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, no. 2280, We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of.
~ Richard W. Smith (1959-04-28 age:59), Archbishop of Edmonton, head of the CCCB (Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops)

Smith freely admits his motivation is purely religious. He wants to force the Catholic catechism on non-believers. Surely the constitution grants me freedom of religion and the freedom to reject his religion.


Corporations are synthetic persons with psychopathic personalities. By American law they are required to act without conscience, considering only the interests of the shareholders, not the stakeholders such as the employees, the customers or the people where the company does business.

So all corporations are to some extent evil, but a few have gone well beyond the call to Satanic duty:

Monsanto Monsanto Rain

Greedy exploiter of the third world. Inventor of the terminator gene to make seeds die after one generation. Sued a Canadian farmer for theft when some pollen from their plants drifted into his canola field. Blocks labeling of genetically altered food.

dvd cover recommend DVD⇒The World According to Monsantoto dvd home
byMarie-Monique Robin
birth1960 age:57
This is a documentary that will make you want to go postal and tear the heads off everyone who has anything to do with Monsanto. The film maker is French with a very thick accent. It was done by the National Film Board of Canada, one of the few government agencies that Monsanto has not yet corrupted. It is a very long documentary. It it hard to watch. You see so much pure evil and no obvious way to combat it. Monsanto has absolutely no conscience. It is like watching a documentary about a serial killer who delights in the suffering of others. They hurt the poorest of the poor. They destroy the environment in every country. They lie and lie and lie. They are such incredibly evil bastards. view online.
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Nestlé Nestle fat kid

Sold baby formula to the third world knowing it was causing infant deaths. Whittled down the price paid to the cocoa farmers to $0.02 per chocolate bar.

Philip Morris/Kraft Kraft dinner

Sold cigarettes to children in the third world as medicine. Lied repeatedly about tobacco safety in the USA. Bribed politicians. They tricked people into destroying their bodies.

Halliburton Halliburton

Gave payments to Vice President Cheney in return for sweetheart no-bid contracts in Iraq. Provided disgusting, unsanitary, overpriced meals to the troops.

Hilda Krieg

Hilda Krieg, artist’s conception

Hilda Krieg gets my vote for the most evil woman living on planet earth. The irony is, she is a deeply religious woman who meddles in other people’s lives fueled by the belief she has a God-given right to do so since God anointed her the planet’s supreme authority on matters of life and death. Primarily she meddles in the lives of terminally ill strangers butting in where she is extremely unwelcome. She heads the Surrey Delta Pro Life Society. She is also a member of Real Women, a group of women opposed to women’s rights. She has been active is suppressing euthanasia rights for decades.

Her dishonesty particularly galls me. She claims to be fighting for the rights of the disabled to avoid being murdered, when no one is calling for killing disabled people. She is really about interfering in the right of people who choose to die when they have had enough suffering and in punishing those who sit to comfort them as they die.

All Terrain Vehicles

ATV damage

I would love to see the inventors of the all terrain vehicles dragged to death behind their infernal machines. What a disgusting racket! What destruction of fragile ecosystems! They are the very antithesis of what getting out in nature is really about. Makers include BRP (Bombardier Recreational Products) (Bombardier who also make the lake-shattering Evinrude outboards), Yamaha, Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Polaris. BRaaaaP!

Motors make noise and that tells you about the feelings and attitudes that went into it. Something was more important than sensory pleasure — nobody would invent a chair or dish that smelled bad or that made horrible noises — why were motors invented noisy? How could they possibly be considered complete or successful inventions with this glaring defect? Unless, of course, the aggressive, hostile, assaultive sound actually served to express some impulse of the owner.
~ Philip Slater (1927-05-15 2013-06-20 age:86)The Wayward Gate: Science and the Supernatural

George Bush

Bush toasting

George W. Bush (1946-07-06 age:71) is an one-man planet-wrecker. He has done more environmental damage that all presidents that preceded him combined. He started two wars to steal oil. He managed to convince his followers he is a hero, even though he was caught over and over lying. He is totally without conscience; in other words he is a psychopath. More that any other, he is the man the planet could best do without.

Robert Mugabe

Robert Mugabe

The dictator of Zimbabwe, (1924-02-21 age:94). He is probably the most selfish, vain, corrupt, sadistic and cruel leader on the planet. He is not only wicked, he revels in it, delighting in rubbing in his power. Of course, the west has no interest in relieving him of his office since Zimbabwe has no oil. Unlike most dictators, he is athletic and fit and can’t be counted on to die soon.

Frank Luntz

Frank Luntz

Luntz (1962-02-23 age:56) is the Republican propagandist who masterminded the coal and gas industry funded disinformation campaign about global warming. He is a traitor to his planet. No conceivable punishment would be sufficient for such a crime.

Bill Gates

Bill Gates
Face it — Bill Gates is about a white Persian cat and a monocle away from being a Bond villain.
~ Dennis Miller (1953-11-03 age:64)

Bill Gates (1955-10-28 age:62) is the owner of Microsoft. He used both illegal and unethical techniques to demolish the competition, forcing the public to use his technically inept, slovenly, buggy Windows operating system. By deliberately dropping Java support in the Internet Explorer Web browser, he has almost succeeded in derailing one of the best ideas in computer science of the last decade, thick client Java — motivated by outrageous greed. Mr. Gates is enough of a nerd to fully understand how his actions have set back the evolution of computers. What does this lunatic need with yet more money? He is already the richest man on the planet.

By the year 2000, what had he done with his money other than accumulate it — build himself a techno mansion. He was a miser, someone who collects money simply because he is addicted to money, not for what can be done with it. He reminded me of a bag lady who collects old plastic bags for no purpose.

Things are looking up. On 2000-07-10 Gates announced a donation of $50 million to help with AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) in Botswana. This is still pocket change for him. I suspect his wife is the driving force behind this new philanthropy and he gives her a few millions to play with. I don’t know if Mr. Gates eventually saw the futility of accumulating more money than he could spend in a hundred lifetimes, of if he has just discovered he can get more prestige by giving money away than hoarding it. Over time he has become more serious about projects such as eliminating disease in the third world. He has the power single handedly to solve several major world problems if he so chose, such as the providing clean drinking water for all. He is still just dabbling.

It would be nice to see Gates follow in the tradition of the great 19th century philanthropist such as Carnegie, who build libraries all over North American. Those libraries are all that is left of those robber barons.

I have a fantasy of going to one of his public speeches, waiting for a quiet moment, then in my loud, ringing voice announcing to everyone present, You may be immune to ordinary justice, Bill, but you are still a shithead.

book cover recommend book⇒Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of The Microsoft Empireto book home
by James Wallace & Jim Erickson 978-0-88730-629-7 paperback
publisher Collins 978-0-471-56886-5 hardcover
published 1993-05-26
Discusses Bill Gates’ abuses of power prior to 1992.
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book cover recommend book⇒Overdrive: Bill Gates and the Race to Control Cyberspaceto book home
by James Wallace 978-0-471-29106-0 paperback
publisher Wiley 978-0-471-18041-8 hardcover
published 1997-05 978-0-471-35817-6 eBook
  B00J348MXG kindle
Discusses Bill Gates’ abuses of power after 1992.
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The idea that Bill Gates has appeared like a knight in shining armour to lead all customers out of a mire of technological chaos neatly ignores the fact that it was he who, by peddling second-rate technology, led them into it in the first place.
~ Douglas Adams (1952-03-11 2001-05-11 age:49)

Rupert Murdoch

Rupert Murdoch (1931-03-11 age:87) is a wealthy Australian who owns a sizeable chunk of the planet’s media including Fox News, the Weekly Standard and the New York Post, three bastions for an ultra right wing reporting of the news. He won a supreme court battle for the right to simply make up the news. It need have no truth to it at all and he takes great advantage of that to sell his Attila the Hun political views. Like an ancient spider at the center of the web, he has even more control of neocon politics than George W. Bush. He determines the day’s talking points of all Republicans. He is the prince of lies for the whole world, so I suppose he, more than any other, deserves the title of Satan’s earthly representative. He has taught the Republicans to lie outrageously. He confounds the public by giving any such lie false official backing. It is very difficult dealing with the minions he has trained who will spread lies no matter how many times they are debunked.
dvd cover recommend DVD⇒Outfoxed, Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalismto dvd home
byRobert Greenwald
birth1945-08-28 age:72
Documentary about how Fox manipulates news and manipulate all the right wing politicians.
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Adnan Khashoggi

Adna khashoggi

(1935-07-25 age:82). Here is a man whose greed knows no bounds. He is already so rich he could not possibly spend all the money he has. He foments wars and insurrections so he can sell arms to both sides. Why? To make more money. What an idiot! He is the moral equivalent of Monty Python’s Monsieur Creosote the glutton.

Karol Wojtyla, Pope Jean Paul II

Pope Jean Paul II

(1920-05-18 2005-04-02 age:84). Here was a man with immense personal charm yet who has almost single handedly ensured that overpopulation is destroying the planet’s ecology, causing famines and disease. Not only did he prohibit the use of birth control for his followers, he sent people to the UN (United Nations) conference on population control to disrupt it.

If Pope Jean Paul had wished to escape my disdain, he would have reversed his position on birth control. I didn’t require him to change his mind on abortion, just birth control. It is more important to protect the planet from overpopulation than to spread Catholicism.

Fred Phelps

Fred Phelps
Mr. Phelps (1929-11-13 age:88) in a Baptist minister who utterly hates homosexuals. He maintains a website called (held off the air by hackers). He went so far as to picket the private funeral of Matthew Shepard, a young gay man, who was crucified to death on a fence by gay bashers. This man is the epitome of what I find disgusting about modern Christianity. He has a raspy hissing voice that drips evil. He could audition for the part of the snake if ever Hollywood makes a movie about Genesis.

If Fred Phelps wished to escape my disdain, he would have to admit that he has done battle with his own internal homosexual urges and that is why he is so tough with those who give into them. Fred Phelps masquerades hate as religion. His buddy Paul Cameron, the defrocked psychologist, masquerades hate as science.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.
~ William Shakespear (1564-04-23 1616-04-23 age:52) Gertrude in Hamlet Act III scene ii

John McCain

John McCain This man is utterly spineless. He has no principles. He just does whatever appears to be political advantageous for the day. During the Viet Nam war he was captured and held in a prison camp. He parades this at every opportunity as if it were some sort of achievement. He is a war criminal!

Charlton Heston

Charlton Heston
On the second amendment:
Pooing on your lawn is probably protected by the constitution, but that does not necessarily mean you should do it.
~ Anonymous
Charlton Heston (1923-10-04 2008-04-05 age:84) the actor who played Moses in The Ten Commandments, was the president of the NRA (National Rifle Association). He worked tirelessly to feed American paranoia about the federal government.

The NRA builds a fantasy that it would be a Good Thing™ if tiny groups of patriots armed with rifles overthrew the democratically elected US federal government. It would not be a Good Thing™. Further, such an insurrection would be pathetic. An armed populace is not what keeps the government honest! It is a population that participates in democracy.

The NRA fosters the illusion that guns are primarily used to shoot intruders. In reality they primarily shoot other family members, sometimes accidentally, sometimes in the heat of anger. Only rarely are they used to shoot intruders.

Heston used his moral authority as Moses to put up a smoke screen so that Americans won’t find out the USA is an anomaly. No other country in the world has even a tenth the problem with gun violence. He even opposed measures to keep guns out of the hands of children. As a result of his actions, children and wives needlessly die in gun accidents and domestic disputes.

If Charlton Heston had wished to escape my disdain, he would have had to resign as head of the NRA and publicly reveal his internal conflicts on the issue.

The Koch Brothers

Charles G. Koch and David H. Koch
Charles G. Koch and David H. Koch
Charles G. Koch and David H. Koch own Koch Industries, a large American manufacturing and holding company, the second largest privately held company in America. They use their wealth for evil purposes such as: Profit is not sufficient motive to explain what makes these crazies tick.

Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump

Trump (1946-06-06 age:71) symbolises all that is rotten in America. He mindlessly pursues the false gods of wealth and fame. He is like some giant alley cat pissing his scent on everything he owns. He has perfect wrong livelihood — gambling and speculation, both parasitic activities. He makes crassness and cheesiness into an art form. His failings are petty greed and vanity. He absolutely no scruples or shame. He will say anything or do anything to get attention. He maliciously set about to destroy Barack Obama with blatant lies and innuendos. He is like a human that has been demonically possessed by a corporation.

The Media Whores

These are intellectual lightweight villains, who like bratty children will blurt out any outrageous thing that pops into their head just to get attention. They never think through the repercussions of what they advocate. The problem is there are millions of morons out there devotedly listening to them, who want the world super-simplified into slogans. The whores include Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Michele Bachmann, Rand Paul, Orly Taitz, Sharron Angle, Sarah Palin… and to some extent Scott Brown. Beck is the loopiest of the lot. It is only a matter of time until FOX forces him to take medical leave to deal with his psychotic delusion that he is channelling Yahweh. He delusionally claims to be more instrumental in the civil rights movement than Dr. Martin Luther King. Beck was 5 months old at the time of the I Have A Dream Speech. I think of the E-trade talking baby commercials.


Republicans are basically whores for the superrich. The have sold themselves in return for voting for more and more money and laws to favour the super-rich. They are so revolting because they try to pretend otherwise. Some of the most disgusting include: Haley Barbour, John Shimkus, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Sharron Angle, Christine O’Donnell, Rand Paul, Newt Gingrich, Sarah Palin, Tom Delay (happily convicted). This is so ridiculous top 1% already own most of the money. They already have far more than they could ever spend. To them, money it just a game. To the others it means a roof over your head and groceries on the table. The Republicans are reverse Robin Hoods. They steal from the poor and give to the rich.

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